Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

Who was in the wrong?

  • Cop

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • Dude who got shot

    Votes: 33 29.5%
  • I like turtles

    Votes: 56 50.0%

  • Total voters
thats what the headline reads "EX" rcmp, maybe he's compensating for something with that many and type of weapons.:rolleyes:

he obviously didn't learn lesson #1 taught in Regina- if you screw up cover up,deny and falsely charge everyone within sight with obstruct or other BS or he wouldn't be an ex mountie

On a side note PEEL PIGS are the worst in this ****ing country.

On a side note PEEL PIGS are the worst in this ****ing country.

Incorrect. That would be yorkies. They're friggin terrible.

It's amazing how fast 12 cops can show up to a simple arrest, but they have no time for thefts etc...too busy roughing up the public.
Caught on video but they still lie.

“It was gruesome, the whole trial was just gruesome,” Shemesh said Thursday. “It was 11 days of lying, cheating police officers.”

The astounding part of that is nothing will happen to any single one of them.
Incorrect. That would be yorkies. They're friggin terrible.

Maybe...I've been fortunate to have only had bad experiences with Peel ****ers.

Hell, I was drunk on the streets in the middle of the night with my two cousins and had just finished smoking weed in a small town in NJ. We were lost and it was dark as **** because there was no street lights. I frantically waved down a cop car passing by and when they stopped their first reaction was "Hands on the hood!!, have you been drinking?"..."Yes, officer, lost as well we're from Canada and have no idea how the **** to get back to my cousin's street"

The dudes asked for no ID, age, nothing. Just how the **** we ended up on the sideroads. We told em we got in an argument and were being pricks so my American cousin dropped us off at the side of the road and told us to make our own way home. Truth was we wanted to smoke a blunt so he dropped us off while he went to go get us some Wendy's.

When we finished we thought we'd walk towards the main road so it'd be easier for him to pick us up but we were headed in the wrong direction. The cops just drove us home and chatted with us about sports on the way and told us not to get in a fight with him when we got home...It was great.

They seemed so relieved when I told em we were just lost and from Canada...
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Seriously, i wish i didn't have to come here almost everyday and post these things.
Don't even know what to say about this one other than "vehicular homicide"

Then don't. Who cares about something that happened last Aug. to two thugs in NYC who were no benefit to their community.

Don't agree about the death. But really. If you don't do something wrong. Then they have no reason to bother you. Weird concept lol
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