Trollin' iz not what it used to be....
something tells me that by your opening statement "1 A few weeks back I passed a number of vehicles including this coworker (guy#1). When I pass, I typically pass how ever many cars then get back into the lane of travel. has bill 203 written all over this.... maybe We should do you a Favor or Us all a favour and contact Your local police and give them the heads up that some Crazy rider is passing not one but how ever many cars in this area.... Just thinking about your safety Op......![]()
It's painfully obvious the OP needs to pick up a Katana.
those bikes aren't kan of tuna's there 2 stroke dirt bikes.It's painfully obvious the OP needs to pick up a Katana.
Oh yes, I can certainly see that what goes around comes around.
I could drive over your bike with a bull dozer and leave a twisted pile of scrap metal where your bike was once parked. What would you do about it? Apparently a giant pile of nothing. Perhaps you'll write a sternly worded PM to GTAM Admin, in Times New Roman, interspursed with CAPS LOCK for extra emphasis. Then most likely you will start a thread on here asking what you should do, then ignore all the advice that is offered. Everyone will tell you to call the police. 19 people saw me do it, I left a note saying it was me, and after I crushed it I'd get out and touch every clean surface without gloves to make sure I left some good fingerprints. Only pussies call the cops? And you're no pussy! So I essentially have carte blanche to ****** with you as much as I want knowing you won't do anything about it? That'd be great if I thought you might actually learn something from the ordeal.... but if I were a betting man I'd say that lesson would sail right over your head.
How am I doing so far?
After that you'll start a thread asking if me destroying your bike will affect your insurance if you claim it. You already think it will, so despite everyone telling you it won't you will have already made up your mind and the whole point of the thread was just for some validation... you didn't actually want to know the answer. You'll then spend the next few weeks and dozens of pages in that thread defending your decision and that only pussies put through an insurance claim after a caboose destroys their motorcycle.
Still with me?
This is the point that I had issue with how you handled things. Your primary excuse was that you have no witnesses because they were all on his side so you did not go to the police to report the vehicular assault but elected to report to your HR department about the threats, assault, and then gossip to spread the word and defame him to your colleagues at work. Neither of these paths [go to police, go to HR] do you have any witnesses. NONE.
You asked the nice people here for advice, you got it, then decided to ignore everyone and go ''HEY YO, EYE GOT DIS NUCCAAAAA'', cried to HR with a baseless report and came back to proudly report MISSHION COMPRETED.
Right. The guys are going to feel like outcasts at work and then quit. HR will make them quit. They won't lie to HR because HR is so great. They will lie to the police though because everyone lies to them without any repercussions.
Hey guys, it's lunch-time...mmmmmm.....failburger
Update the guy is no longer with the company and he was escorted out ultimately. Lucky for the Scum of Canadian Society we don't have the Right to bear arms as in the US. Sadly for the human race there are worthless humans cowering away in Canada. If this guy did this in the US, he would have received a bullet to the head.
Really? So if we were in the US, had the right to arm ourselves with guns concealed. You are saying you would shoot him?
The right to arm is for protection of oneself to preserve the peace.:sign3:
Yes, the dirtbag would have got it right to the head. Fortunate for him, he did this in Canada and not the US. Unlucky for me, lucky for him.
Update the guy is no longer with the company and he was escorted out ultimately. Lucky for the Scum of Canadian Society we don't have the Right to bear arms as in the US. Sadly for the human race there are worthless humans cowering away in Canada. If this guy did this in the US, he would have received a bullet to the head.
Hmmm been reading this thread and hear is what I get out of it.
Seeing as that you ran away from the entire situation and then went crying the the principal I just can't see you havin the testicular fortitude to stand up for your self, so you think you would to pull a gun on a man?
Dude let it go, your a wuss. It's ok...
Group hug everyone.