Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

Who was in the wrong?

  • Cop

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • Dude who got shot

    Votes: 33 29.5%
  • I like turtles

    Votes: 56 50.0%

  • Total voters
Have you watched the G20 fallout? The "blue shield" is practically untouchable and refuses to investigate, much less enforce the law on its own people, not to mention the morality of all their activities such as removing their identification; jailing people in mock cages; threatening to rape women in their custody. It won't happen without serious effort. They've got a good thing going... one set of rules for you, and one set of rules for them.

Picked from above:

- cops themselves are not good at following laws
- cops rarely are called to task for breaking laws by their fellow officers
- cops are not to be trusted whether in line of duty or no
- some cops like to use violence and look for excuses to do it
- cops lie like a dirty rug, there's no law against it
- cops don't like cops that try to enforce laws on cops (see above)

Again, wow. Is this just in Canada or all over the world? I know North America is a soulless garbage culture, at least according to all the screens I look at all day. I guess it might stand to reason that cops would be the same. I find this overwhelming. It might be worthwhile to look elsewhere for a successful model and ape that here. I should call the Mayor, get the ball rolling.
again, wow. Is this just in canada or all over the world? I know north america is a soulless garbage culture, at least according to all the screens i look at all day. I guess it might stand to reason that cops would be the same. I find this overwhelming. It might be worthwhile to look elsewhere for a successful model and ape that here. I should call the mayor, get the ball rolling.

i smell a troll
I don't even know what to say about that. But here's a quick and dirty:

- cops themselves are not good at following laws
- cops rarely are called to task for breaking laws by their fellow officers
- cops are not to be trusted whether in line of duty or no
- some cops (even more than the average citizen) like to use violence and look for excuses to do it
- police are paid a lot of money compared to, say, educational workers
- it's not safe to assume that police actually know the law
- one should not talk to police, in general (if there is any chance they may consider you a suspect)
- cops lie like a dirty rug, there's no law against it
- cops enforce laws which are unfair and unjust, and they know it
- cops love their tasers
- sometimes cops actually do some good to society
- some cops are good people, but they are not rewarded for it
- cops don't like cops that try to enforce laws on cops (see above)
- the 2010 G20 was an inhumane crime against the people - by police
- Cops are just as lazy and scared as the average citizen.
- Cops get are undeservedly treated with greater respect than the average Joe.
- Cops are on average only a little bit smarter than criminals.

I think that mostly covers it. The thread is full of many examples of the above, and I'm sure more topics. It's old and huge and I've just taken 10 minutes of my time to explain my outlook on the thread, on the whole.

Thanks, that post is a million times better than all those that came before it, and I even agree (with details added).

Regarding talking to police, the most commonly distributed argument against it is this video; However if you listen attentively, in every example and supporting argument he makes, he refers to a suspect who talks to police. If we want to see effective law enforcement (not necessarily justice), then talking to the cops makes sense when there is no chance of being a suspect in their investigation.
Just remember, when you talk to a cop (on the job or not), you could be creating a situation for yourself. I remember calling the cops years ago because i had a tenant in a sublet room of a house I was renting who stole a number of items from the house (we had four tenants in it total - student housing). When they came, they asked me a bunch of questions about who owned the house and why I was subletting rooms, as if I was trying to get away with something, and on the way out the detective noticed that the sticker had expired on my car - my birthday had been the day before, no less - and was gearing up to give me *@#$ for it when I produced the new sticker out of my pocket.

I was out about $1500 as a student (devestating at the time) both in stolen items and actual money, and had to buy back some of the items from pawn shops in the city at my expense. And Mr. Authority tried to weasel some kind of charge out of me on top of it. I rode that detective like a pack horse until the guy was caught after that... what a d!ck.

Never talk to cops? A good recommendation.
I rode that detective like a pack horse until the guy was caught after that...

THAT I believe!! lol (not that there's anything wrong with that) Will you ever get over it? You know there's injustice around every corner, under every rock (evil grows in cracks and holes, picked that up from a top 40 hit years ago) If this bad cop thing is your baby, roll with it.
THAT I believe!! lol (not that there's anything wrong with that) Will you ever get over it? You know there's injustice around every corner, under every rock (evil grows in cracks and holes, picked that up from a top 40 hit years ago) If this bad cop thing is your baby, roll with it.

DAMN, You went from knowing nothing about it to now knowing all, great site this GTAM is for educating ehh.
ohboy you got me pinned pretty good there tigerblood

yep thats me, but look at you getting all aggressive when just yesterday you were so mild mannered and asking how this all works
yep thats me, but look at you getting all aggressive when just yesterday you were so mild mannered and asking how this all works

multiple personality disorder with a hint of sarcasm not easily detected w/o smilies, my apologies
multiple personality disorder with a hint of sarcasm not easily detected w/o smilies, my apologies

you're easily lead astray, hope you're still around when the biking season happens when and if you get a bike.

but these type of posts, really don't think you'll make it.

Join DateJan 2013Posts48
[h=2]Re: 1st whiny rant, sorry[/h]
Originally Posted by OpenGambit
I think you have patted yourself on the back enough in this thread already.

Oh geez did I say something back there to hurt your feelings, should I go look? or are you one of those guys who can't put 2 and 2 together? :lol3 the fact that this is your conclusion says more about you than I need to know. Oh boy now I've done it yikes, how will I go on?

from that thread it seems you want to spend most of your time attacking people.
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you're easily lead astray, hope you're still around when the biking season happens when and if you get a bike.

but these type of posts, really don't think you'll make it.

Join DateJan 2013Posts48
Re: 1st whiny rant, sorry

Originally Posted by OpenGambit
I think you have patted yourself on the back enough in this thread already.

Oh geez did I say something back there to hurt your feelings, should I go look? or are you one of those guys who can't put 2 and 2 together? :lol3 the fact that this is your conclusion says more about you than I need to know. Oh boy now I've done it yikes, how will I go on?

from that thread it seems you want to spend most of your time attacking people.

motorcycle internet forum off topic area job 1 imho: entertainment

I'll discuss anything with you my friend. I'll even explain why I said to opengambit what I did if you need me to. Please provide a list of smilies required to smooth this transition in our relationship.
motorcycle internet forum off topic area job 1 imho: entertainment

I'll discuss anything with you my friend. I'll even explain why I said to opengambit what I did if you need me to. Please provide a list of smilies required to smooth this transition in our relationship.

fill your boots and carry on.:walk:but you can make this your 2nd whiny thread.
fill your boots and carry on.:walk:but you can make this your 2nd whiny thread.

Logged off the site for a couple minutes to take care of some personal matters (#2) but was thinking of you the hole time. Glad you were able to formulate a response on such short notice. This will be my last post regarding our new relationship. Don't want to gum up this thread. Feel free to call me at home.
Logged off the site for a couple minutes to take care of some personal matters (#2) but was thinking of you the hole time. Glad you were able to formulate a response on such short notice. This will be my last post regarding our new relationship. Don't want to gum up this thread. Feel free to call me at home.

i try to make everybody feel wanted, don't take personal.
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DAMN, You went from knowing nothing about it to now knowing all, great site this GTAM is for educating ehh.
Gtam has the best trolls period

yep thats me, but look at you getting all aggressive when just yesterday you were so mild mannered and asking how this all works
I'm friggin slappings my knees laughing at this right now.
I cant contain myself. I feel like a priest in the middle of choir practice

Sent from my tablet using my paws
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