one of my closest friends has fallen in love with a prostitute he met overseas

Just tell him "wrappit before u tappit"

On a serious note, u said he is a sex tourist. I see nothing there, maybe they are similar people, he has no problem with that.
What do they say? Birds of a feather flock together??
Yeah, they are always in it for the dough or to get into Canada. However, he is probably safer with one hooker after his money than as a sex tourist banging a whole bunch of dirty hookers who are just after his money also. Hopefully they won't procreate before they split up.
hey man, she is a human being, maybe she will stop for him, maybe he is the guy that will stop her from doing what she does, who are we or you to say otherwise

My best friend was with a girl i knew was going to **** him over, all i did was be there for him, give him advice through the relationship and call him out on stuff he was letting "pass". Apart from that, you got no right to do anything else

We have all fallen for the wrong girl, we all knew that we were going to end up getting screwed but yet we continued so you are not telling him anything he doesn't know

Wow, I agree. This must be the end of times.
Wow, I agree. This must be the end of times.
Sometimes i do offer my real opinion and don't just joke around. you guys take this board way to seriously. It's fun to see
It wont be today, might not be next year, but this will end in a flaming pile of dog poo wrapped in 50% minimum of all his stuff.

Once she gets here her, hourly rate will go to the moon. Tell your pal to throw it to her mom and sister before the ceremony, because they're gonna screw him anyway.
a city/town in asia known for its sex tourism (which will go on unamed as i don't want to reveal too many details). My friend has been an avid sex tourist for years. The other issue that is of concern is the socio-economic differences between people who live in first and second/third world countries.

My own brother met a girl in rural area of China, married her and brought her over. He traveled back and forth between Toronto and China for two years to build up their relationship. Things between them were great up until the moment they got married, as there was really no way for them to be together long term without the marriage. They're still together, but things are constantly shaky...Women in that region of the world have expectations to be completely taken care of. Basically, my brother thinks she demands too much and gives little. My take on 'normal' north american relationships and expectations is that things are slightly more equal.In other words, I have seen where this sort of situation can end up which is why its of concern to me. My brother's situation is actually better given the fact that my sister-in-law is not a prostitute/mail-order bride.

Sounds like a neighbour of mine. I think the wedding ceremony ended with his castration.
It wont be today, might not be next year, but this will end in a flaming pile of dog poo wrapped in 50% minimum of all his stuff.

Once she gets here her, hourly rate will go to the moon. Tell your pal to throw it to her mom and sister before the ceremony, because they're gonna screw him anyway.

Can he get a prenup??

Sent from my tablet using my paws
Im going to guess Pattaya, Thailand. Many Brits, Aussies, Russians fall in love there ....
OMG just like

It's the movies come to life. :rolleyes:

Speak your mind about any objections without being pushy, then be there for him when it all turns to flaming dog poo.
OMG just like

It's the movies come to life. :rolleyes:

Speak your mind about any objections without being pushy, then be there for him when it all turns to flaming dog poo.

But it worked out for Richard and Julia in the movie.
i'd tell him to get her and himself checked out ... he wont be so in love once his penis falls off because of disease she gave him
its all nice and dandy until you get married. And then you say, "oh crap!!!"
Sounds like a neighbour of mine. I think the wedding ceremony ended with his castration.



And the ritual is called 'tying the nut'

Speak your mind about any objections without being pushy, then be there for him when it all turns to flaming dog poo.

Nah, give him the hardest possible **** before he makes the worst mistake in his life.

Why would you wait until he ruins his life to say 'I told you so'?

Close friends don't let close friends **** up their lives.
Dude, if it's Thailand, he's most likely getting played. I'm in Thailand and when I see the stuff going on late at night, I can appreciate how much game some of these girls have.

But then again, people do changed and I've personally seen some of the most unlikely outcomes.
LOL all the comments. Every one of you wants to have a stripper/hooker friend for that special night away from the wife/GF.
Why do you think these places never go out of business?

LMAO at this comment. Dude...the women of the Western countries are no different.

They're still together, but things are constantly shaky...Women in that region of the world have expectations to be completely taken care of.

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