really? the call was cut once, by NBC, which was wrong and they apologized for, not "the news media" - get over the conspiracy crap.
Secondly, I probably followed it better than you did.
Lastly, I don't give a **** if he was injured or not, the point is he started the fight. What he did is the equilvent of me coming up, punching you in the face, and then shooting you when you hit me back and call it self defense. You can't plead self defense when you start the fight. Period.
And the kid was suspended. for marijuana. Big whoop. You never smoked a joint before? You think that just because someone has some weed that means that they assault people and deserve to be shot?
Who are you really defending? the guy that lied about his finances to the Court? Why the **** would I, or anyone else, take this guy at his word when he has been proven untrustworthy. The Judge for his bond hearing basically said he can't be trusted... THAT IS MY EXACT POINT
My point is. when you have a guy who kills someone else, you HAVE to be skeptical of what he is saying because he KILLED THE BEST WITNESS. That should be self evident to anyone who looks at situations objectively. Thats what the Judge has the do, thats whats the Crown has to do.