Cop crashes bike into 4 year old girl then shoots and kills her father

I've purposely low sided my bike when I was about to crash when I run wide and before I hit the guard rail. Bike stopped sliding before I hit guard rail. Walked off with only scratches to me and my bike. Had I kept going I would have hit the guard rail and it would have been much worse.

If you think the fairings of your bike managed to scrub off speed in a shorter distance than your brakes and tires would have, you are seriously deluded. The reality is that you freaked out and dumped the bike because your incorrect assumption was that you couldn't stop before the guardrail.
If I'm not mistaken, even people on gun clubs are only allowed to have the gun on them when going to or from the event. ( I could be wrong)... But regardless. Just knowing to shoot a gun does not make you a trained professional.

Depends on the firearm. Restricted fire arms this is correct you are not even allowed to stop for gas. However a long rifle you can take it anyplace you want within reasons . IE you cant walk around a park with it.
I corrected the statement. Yes we should not need guns to defend ourselves. But this does not proclude situations were it may be needed.

I hear what your saying. But in the end, if more people had guns on the street, there would be a lot more situations like this.
BUTTTT the officer should have the knowledge to use reasonable force. They do have training with non lethal force.

This was an exercise of resonable force. Resonable force is force plus +1 in Canadian Police terms.

IE someone comes at you with a knife or other weapm you can shoot them. In this case. Two adult Males with beating him senseless at what point would have this become resonable force to use the weapon?
I hear what your saying. But in the end, if more people had guns on the street, there would be a lot more situations like this.

Possibly.. I am not particularly an advocate for carrying them. I'm just saying that Guns are a tool that can be used to defend yourself in a verity of situations
If you think the fairings of your bike managed to scrub off speed in a shorter distance than your brakes and tires would have, you are seriously deluded. The reality is that you freaked out and dumped the bike because your incorrect assumption was that you couldn't stop before the guardrail.

THe bike had no fairings, it was a naked. And yes, seeing as I was already leaned over, by the time I straightened the bike up and started braking on the unpaved shoulder I would have probably hit the guard rail. I don't deny that the cause of the crash was lack of skill though. It was my first season and maybe had 2500Km under my belt total and it was a decreasing radius turn that I've never gone through before. THe crash could have been avoided by just leaning into the turn more and actually making the turn, which I can make now at probably double the speed after several more years of practice.
I hear what your saying. But in the end, if more people had guns on the street, there would be a lot more situations like this.

Not true, Look at countried where Everyone is trained to use firearms or everyone has military experiance and then look at countries where firearms are prohibited and you will see that murder and crimes are lower where people are all trained VS where they are prohibited.
Not true, Look at countried where Everyone is trained to use firearms or everyone has military experiance and then look at countries where firearms are prohibited and you will see that murder and crimes are lower where people are all trained VS where they are prohibited.
That statement is not accurate at all.

Firearm availability is a still a contributing factor to the rate of death by guns. That's just statistics. A verity of cultural factors come into play that contribute to murder and crime rates
There are country's with liberal gun laws with High murder and Crime rates and some with Low and Vise versa
That statement is not accurate at all.

Firearm availability is a still a contributing factor to the rate of death by guns. That's just statistics. A verity of cultural factors come into play that contribute to murder and crime rates
There are country's with liberal gun laws with High murder and Crime rates and some with Low and Vise versa

Taken from Guns Vs. Crime
by Jeremy D. Blanks, Ph.D.

Those states that have enacted concealed carry measures have seen their crime rates immediately fall and continue to do so at rates in most cases faster than the national average. One of the best examples is Florida. Prior to their enactment of concealed carry laws in the late 1980s, the crime rate in Florida was higher than the national average. However, following the enactment of the concealed carry law their crime immediately began to drop and has continued to do so today. In fact, today the crime levels in Florida are considerably lower than the national average. Additionally, the U.S. state with the lowest crime rate, Vermont, also happens to be the state with the fewest gun control laws and they allow all law-abiding citizens to carry concealed weapons.The simple fact is that those areas in the U.S. with the fewest gun restrictions and highest gun ownership rates also have the lowest crime rates. Even a recent study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, which is well known for its anti-gun bias, reported that the 1994 Brady Law has not had a discernable impact on homicide or suicide rates. The results from this study are completely counter to claims by gun control groups, like Handgun Control, Inc., which have repeatedly claimed that such laws have saved thousands of lives. This aforementioned study also pointed out that crime has been falling for a decade now and it began to fall over three years prior to the passage of the Brady Law. Furthermore, there was no increase in the rate of crime reduction after passage of the Brady Law. In essence, the Brady Law has done nothing to lower crime or violence. Again, this is a continuation of mounting evidence that gun control schemes have no relation to crime or violence prevention.

Just a note can you tell use was orginisations Jeremy D. Blanks works for? Hes not unbiased

But he makes some fair points

"gun control schemes have no relation to crime or violence prevention"

Gun controle does not keep guns out of criminal hands. However it can have an impact of preventing crimes of passion. However they make up a small amount of the stats and are not particularly preventable.

Howver there have been other factors that have contributed to the crime rate decline in recent years in the states such as the legilisation of abortion. There is no doubt the concealed carry has had an affect on these rates however its not the single event and there is no reason to this it would have this affect this side of the border
There is no doubt the concealed carry has had an affect on these rates however its not the single event and there is no reason to this it would have this affect this side of the border

Look at Switzerland, the country with no standing military, the highest gun ownership per capita in the world and almost everyone is trained to shoot. Lowest crime rate.

Are you going to try to do a robbery when you know every house is armed and they all know how to shoot?
Look at Switzerland, the country with no standing military, the highest gun ownership per capita in the world and almost everyone is trained to shoot. Lowest crime rate.

Are you going to try to do a robbery when you know every house is armed and they all know how to shoot?

I dont think you are reading my posts. Tell me what other factors about switzerland contribute to its low crime rate?

Could it be any of these

High Education rates?
Low poverty ?
Access to health care ?

Like it said outlaw it is not the single issue that determins this stuff.
Look at Switzerland, the country with no standing military, the highest gun ownership per capita in the world and almost everyone is trained to shoot. Lowest crime rate.

Are you going to try to do a robbery when you know every house is armed and they all know how to shoot?

hahaha. Robbery? I dare you to drive through Harris County (Houston TX) and so much as look the wrong way at someone. Never mind attempting to rob them. hahaha ;-)
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I dont think you are reading my posts. Tell me what other factors about switzerland contribute to its low crime rate?

Could it be any of these

High Education rates?
Low poverty ?
Access to health care ?

Like it said outlaw it is not the single issue that determins this stuff.

I dont think you are reading my posts. Tell me what other factors about switzerland contribute to its low crime rate?

Could it be any of these

High Education rates?
Low poverty ?
Access to health care ?

Like it said outlaw it is not the single issue that determins this stuff.

I can agree that Gun ownership is not the only factor, but it is the big one. See the following, Tell me something else changes besides the law and gun ownership?

KENNESAW, Ga - Several Kennesaw officials attribute a drop in crime in the city over the past two decades to a law that requires residents to have a gun in the house. In 1982, the Kennesaw City Council unanimously passed a law requiring heads of households to own at least one firearm with ammunition. The ordinance states the gun law is needed to "protect the safety, security and general welfare of the city and its inhabitants." Then-councilman J.O. Stephenson said after the ordinance was passed, everyone "went crazy." "People all over the country said there would be shootings in the street and violence in homes," he said. "Of course, that wasn't the case." In fact, according to Stephenson, it caused the crime rate in the city to plunge. Kennesaw Historical Society president Robert Jones said following the law's passage, the crime rate dropped 89 percent in the city, compared to the modest 10 percent drop statewide. "It did drop after it was passed," he said. "After it initially dropped, it has stayed at the same low level for the past 16 years." Mayor Leonard Church was not in office when the law was passed, but he said he is a staunch supporter of it. "You can't argue with the fact that Kennesaw has the lowest crime rate of any city our size in the country," said Church
I can agree that Gun ownership is not the only factor, but it is the big one. See the following, Tell me something else changes besides the law and gun ownership?

Not enought information. What was the crime rate prior to it? Was the crime rate dropnig that rate prior to the law?
For stats related fun read, pick up freakonomics lol

Anyhow, what if the guy had a gun and started shooting at the police officer? no better! lol
Not enought information. What was the crime rate prior to it? Was the crime rate dropnig that rate prior to the law?

No Offence, But you have the most powerful tool in the world at your finger tips, read the entire article.

Then instead of just dismissing what I am saying bring some evidence of the reverse.
I'm beginning to see a pattern of threads on this forum being converted into conversations about guns, the use of guns, and laws about guns....I wonder if we should change the name of the forum to GTA motorcycle and gun - GTAMG ? Anyone up for a concealed weapon group ride ? :D
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