How do you react when......

no i think its the part where the cyclist grabbed on to the car, and tried to climb in, or drag him bryant out, was the part that **** got crazy

....the whole thing sounds idiotic actually =/

wtf, how did they let this pass?!
油井緋色;1750329 said:
....the whole thing sounds idiotic actually =/

wtf, how did they let this pass?!

Because, among other things, the cyclist was the aggressor. It also wasn't his first dance, so to speak. When you go after someone like that, you run the risk of being scraped off on a mailbox.
When it comes to my life being endangered by a stupid driver, I can identify with the OP whole heartedly.

However, it doesn't take much for an idiot to take your life in other ways and road side lessons are rarely received in the way they are intended.

It would have sucked to hear about motorcyclist being killed or seriously injured by the motorist after being confronted.
I used to carry jelly beans in my pockets to throw at people who weren't paying attention or cut me off... Makes noise, doesn't leave any damage, and who's gonna tell the cops someone threw jelly beans at them?

LOL friend of mine carries spark plugs, personally I don't want trouble it's really not worth it but yet again it all depends on the situation. Everyone needs to stop being so politically correct and cut this dude some slack.
Could of gone either way, driver stays in his car, or driver drops his tire iron through your skull bcause your helmets off hitting the vehicle. Food for thought.
Could of gone either way, driver stays in his car, or driver drops his tire iron through your skull bcause your helmets off hitting the vehicle. Food for thought.

Bingo. NEVER underestimate ANYONE.
If you really want to stop this kind of behavior get off your bike at the next light and start licking and humping the drivers side window.Nothing is more horrifying and they will think twice about ever messing with a biker it again.
I used to carry jelly beans in my pockets to throw at people who weren't paying attention or cut me off... Makes noise, doesn't leave any damage, and who's gonna tell the cops someone threw jelly beans at them?

BAHAHA OMG I LOVE this idea!!

seriously? a tough guy calling someone a bra? I know it sounds like he enjoys being close to women and support them, but that doesn't make him a bra.

A lot of guys like to call each other bra.... really dont get it?!?

If you really want to stop this kind of behavior get off your bike at the next light and start licking and humping the drivers side window.Nothing is more horrifying and they will think twice about ever messing with a biker it again.

How very true! They get very confused when I blow them a kiss.
Gilligan pretends to jack off and its funny to watch people duck lol.
BAHAHA OMG I LOVE this idea!!

A lot of guys like to call each other bra.... really dont get it?!?

How very true! They get very confused when I blow them a kiss.
Gilligan pretends to jack off and its funny to watch people duck lol.

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I wasn't going to reply but I am still laughing at calling one's bike a "HOG", talking about one's "crew", and the "SOA reaper Hoodie"... All ads up to serious street cred.

As to the original post, although many would love to do this ( I know I have wanted to one one occasion or another) I am not sure it was the best course of action, "hardcore" street cred aside.
"Street cred" of the OP notwithstanding - if I do something dumb while riding or driving and someone comes at me swinging, bad things will happen. People make mistakes. Sometimes these mistakes are very annoying and sometimes they are malicious but, do you really want to make a near miss traffic situation into a near death assault situation? Not worth the trouble, if you ask me.

Anyone on a motorcycle should always be aware of the fact that regardless of how tough they or their "crew" may be, that won't help you against two tonnes of steel being driven at you.
Adding to my list of people not to mess with

Guys driving big trucks with TAPOUT on the back
and Bikers riding HOGs wearing SOA Reaper hoodies,Chain Wallets and Skull Bandanas
I think it's become more of a joke these days more than anything, so when it's used seriously people just find it odd or funny.

For some though its a sign of a lack of intelligence instead. I don't see it funny I see it as someone calling another dude a bra (article of female clothing). They are too lazy to say 'bro' or 'brother'. The laziness reflects on the intelligent level. Which is sad because I am sure there are some pretty smart people who use the slang.
After 24 years of riding, I've seen everything. I get cut off badly a few times a year and simply count myself lucky that I'm not lying on the ground waiting for ambulance to pickup me up.
After 24 years of riding, I've seen everything. I get cut off badly a few times a year and simply count myself lucky that I'm not lying on the ground waiting for ambulance to pickup me up.

I'm not trying to sound like a smug goof so please take this for what it's worth. I've been cut off a few times in 3 decades. You may want to consider your driving patterns if you get cut off so often. You may be riding in a blind spot too long, droning along at the same speed as the cars around you, or not monitoring drivers head positioning or movements as warnings when they are near you. Of course, maybe I've just been SUPER lucky.
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