How do you react when......

A cager, blatantly speeds buy you and cuts you off? Happened to me on Friday night. We were on Bloor/DANFORTH overpass on the 404 and this cager was tailgaiting me (i was already doing 80 clicks in a 60) he then cuts me off and the car in front of him slammed the brakes as the light was red so he slammed on me. I nearly had to dump my bike luckily I had quick reflexes to slam on the rear brake enough to go sideways and motocross experience kicked in I Stuck out my left foot and straightened it out just in time. After that happened at the next set of lights I put the kick stand on , got off of the HOG went up to his window and Smashed my helmet against his windshield in anger, and asked him if he knows what a blind spot was, AND why he was driving like such a cock. He was scared ********, his g/f was shaking and was pleading with me not to hurt them. I proceeded to tell them to buy an Ontario driver's manual and to study that Mother****er!!.

nice OP! some drivers do need to be straighten out the old fashion way!
who knows, I may have done the same in a situation like that. However I wouldn't come on here to make sure everyone knows how badass I am..
Those of you who think that this sort of action will stop this driver from doing it again, think twice. It'll stop him from doing it for maybe a day, after which he'll be angry. Anger makes people act out, as we can see from the original post. What do you think an angry driver is going to do, the next time that he's in proximity of someone he connects with the source of that anger?
Really? So as a kid you didn't stand up to a bully as that would just make him mad later? You think it is better to meekly take it and then, maybe when you feel braver, give them an infraction, as that will teach them a lesson. :rolleyes:
Really? So as a kid you didn't stand up to a bully as that would just make him mad later? You think it is better to meekly take it and then, maybe when you feel braver, give them an infraction, as that will teach them a lesson. :rolleyes:

Not even close to the same thing. I didn't hear anything about the driver coming back for a second, third, fourth, fifth try.
Nice, i hope this doesn't count as an assault. You never ******g know what constitutes an assault with these ****** laws.

blowing bubbles can be considered an assault, because its a detergent and if it gets in your eye.. welll
I think a chat with the bmw driver would've sufficed.

He's girlfriend/wife was on the car, im sure alot of guys would go wayyyyyyyy over board to protect their other halves. if the driver felt that you were endangering his life, or far worst, endangering the women sitting in the car. He would've ran you and your HOG over, and parked the 335i tire on your head.
I think a chat with the bmw driver would've sufficed.

He's girlfriend/wife was on the car, im sure alot of guys would go wayyyyyyyy over board to protect their other halves. if the driver felt that you were endangering his life, or far worst, endangering the women sitting in the car. He would've ran you and your HOG over, and parked the 335i tire on your head.

What's with all the hostility bra? don't get you people. If you like people to walk all over you that's fine. I ain't gonna take nothin from nobody if they outta line especially if it involves my life! there was another car next to him who was applauding what I was doing because he was also a victim of that fools stupidity. He was gonna get a beatin straight up.
What's with all the hostility bra? don't get you people. If you like people to walk all over you that's fine. I ain't gonna take nothin from nobody if they outta line especially if it involves my life! there was another car next to him who was applauding what I was doing because he was also a victim of that fools stupidity. He was gonna get a beatin straight up.

seriously? a tough guy calling someone a bra? I know it sounds like he enjoys being close to women and support them, but that doesn't make him a bra.
Just two words that you should keep in mind: Michael Bryant.

I just googled that....

What the ****?! I'm guessing the whole "oops I stalled my car and then slammed the gas pedal too hard" was ********?
油井緋色;1750282 said:
I just googled that....

What the ****?! I'm guessing the whole "oops I stalled my car and then slammed the gas pedal too hard" was ********?

no i think its the part where the cyclist grabbed on to the car, and tried to climb in, or drag him bryant out, was the part that **** got crazy
Op how did you not see this all coming?
This tread had flame spelled all over it rite from the full out GoT and Chain wallet comment.
Not that im disagreeing with your anger and method of dealing with it.
I probably would have done something similar, but common this is just to funny.
Keep we coming guys this is a 20+ pager.
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