two close calls today!!!


Well-known member
i had two close calls today and both were of the same nature, stupid cagers trying to change lane without checking blind spot!!! Just be careful out there.
Had a close call today as well, cager making a left out of a side street.. saw me last min.
I've made it a habit to avoid ever being in a blindspot. Ride slightly ahead of the car next to me.. but of course that cant always be done.
Ride safe out there guys, they're not expecting us to be out there yet
Keep the time you spend in blind spots and side-by-side with other vehicles to an absolute minimum!
One of my pet peeves are people who exit onto the far lane when turning through a multilane intersection in the presence of traffic. I don't get what's so hard about turning into the proper lane and making a lane change when it's clear. Half these tards don't even want to be in the far lane in the first place and just merge back which makes it worse.
say word... i had 1 today too.. i honk at the guy and he waved at me to apologize
sometimes in the middle of congested traffic u'r just forced to be in blind spots
Its very important to keep your headlight properly adjusted,Had mine tweaked last week without knowing it and spent the day a dodging cars until night fall when it became obvious the only traffic that see me was in the sky.Your headlight being out just a few degrees makes the world of difference when passing and especially to oncoming traffic or left and turners while in motion camouflage
If you had two close calls in one day, you are the problem.
Take a close look at how you are riding.
It's time to change the way that you ride.
You need to be more aware.
Yea cagers just dont see you for some reason . . . i'm on a red bike too. I was riding down don mills and this lady was pullin a left turn into my direction (southbound) She was in a mini van . . . I was looking right at her face and could see she was looking right past me (RED BIKE) and i got ready to break since I was approaching a red light and had a feeling there would be some fast breaking cuz of this mini van . . . and guessss what

I was right, she cuts me off i beep the shiet outta her and shes swerves left and right infront of me realizing a little too late that she cut me off -.-

but yea sometimes you would think people obviously should have seen you but sometimes if you look at where they're REALLY looking instead of where they SHOULD be looking . . . you'll be in for a suprise.
You wanted to do some fast breaking, because you couldn't handle the pressure?
Or you just really needed some coffee?

Yea cagers just dont see you for some reason . . . i'm on a red bike too. I was riding down don mills and this lady was pullin a left turn into my direction (southbound) She was in a mini van . . . I was looking right at her face and could see she was looking right past me (RED BIKE) and i got ready to break since I was approaching a red light and had a feeling there would be some fast breaking cuz of this mini van . . . and guessss what

I was right, she cuts me off i beep the shiet outta her and shes swerves left and right infront of me realizing a little too late that she cut me off -.-

but yea sometimes you would think people obviously should have seen you but sometimes if you look at where they're REALLY looking instead of where they SHOULD be looking . . . you'll be in for a suprise.
Thats motion camouflage,If you stay in a fixed position on a horizontal plain while closing on a target you can become impossible to see or appear stationary ,many animals instinctively use it while hunting,I purposely swerve within my own lane a few times if I think a cager cant see me and it also keeps tailgaters off my ***.It's also the main reason they make modulators for headlights(no i dont have one)understanding it can save lives.This is good reading.
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Think of them as wake up calls instead.
Had a close call on 2nd short ride out yesterday. Cager tried to beat the light he sped up ran the Red. Note to all keep looking left when making a right even if you have the light.
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