Video game nostalgia thread

omg yes full Throttle!!!!

Did anyone play Golden Axe either????

Full Throttle!! **** YA! Lucas Arts used to make absolutely amazing games. Deep story line, great comedy sections, great game play. The Tie-fighter, X-wing, Full Throttle, Sam and Max, Day of the Tentacle, Star Wars - Dark Forces etc etc

Mechwarrior 3....yea i was hooked on that game. I remember how i thought those graphics were amazing....whats amazing is how much the graphics have advanced.

Syndicate, i grew up with that game as well as all the other ones mentioned above.

Half-Life, lets not even go there. I was just glad that i was there for the breakthrough that HL was in terms of first shooter game play, storyline development and graphics. It has forever seared Valve as a great game maker for me. The further development of the Half Life story through HL2 and HL series is amazing. I vividly remember playing the downloaded Demo and finishing it by climbing stairs up an air shaft and thinking to myself that gaming will never be the same after that.

Do i even need to mentioned Warcraft and Dune? the very first Real Time Strategy? Warcraft II was the benchmark against which many games were measured, Blizzard followed this up with Starcraft, a game that is still played to this day. Red Alert series ran along in parallel. Diablo was also extremely popular and one of the first massively successful multiplayer games. Wing Commander Series also falls in there somewhere

Basically these games mentioned above were the first in their genres and defined what the gaming would look like and develop in the next decade.

agh so many games! Original Fallout! how could i miss it....Jagged Alliance, similar in game play. Closer to the 2000s we have the Tom Clancy Rainbow 6 series....

it really makes me nostalgic thinking of those games. couple months ago i stumbled across DOSbox and Syndicate. I swear to god i teared up a little bit as i started to play the game again...
Ultima Online!!

Vas Ort Flam
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Very serious business
My faves were...

Master of Orion
TIE Fighter
SimCity 2000
MS Flight Simulator 5.0 (had it tweaked up with Flight Shop, SCASM and Airport, downloaded games..)
Need for Speed Porsche Unleashed
Gran Turismo
SNES Mario Kart
SNES Top Gear 2
Genesis Road Rash 2
NES Rad Racer
NES Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: The Arcade Game
Too many to comment on, though I agree with most of this. I distinctly remember thinking how amazing Goldeneye looked like when it first came out, though if I see someone playing it now I think "this what it must be like to have cataracts". And playing my brother, we stalemated each other so many times, lol.

My faves were...

Master of Orion
TIE Fighter
SimCity 2000
MS Flight Simulator 5.0 (had it tweaked up with Flight Shop, SCASM and Airport, downloaded games..)
Need for Speed Porsche Unleashed
Gran Turismo
SNES Mario Kart
SNES Top Gear 2
Genesis Road Rash 2
NES Rad Racer
NES Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: The Arcade Game

Wait, you just reminded me of the best racing game intro of all time, from GT4:

MS Flight Simulator 5.1 looked surprisingly good for something that still came on floppies, haha. NFS:PU was probably the last good NFS game made, kinda sad how EA never repeated anything like it (even though it was half commercial for the unattractive 996).
this also got me talking to my buddy about how much tech has changed in the last 15 years.

I remember zipping files into 1.4mb chunks and copying them onto floppy disks we got from those "internet offer" places like AOL and 80 disks in and you get a CRC error on one! NOOO!!!!

...what? CD Burner? only the filthy rich had those back in the day...
Does anyone remember Quest for Glory games?

Not the best gameplay nor the most stable games, but definitely memorable.

Wish they can relase QFG6 : Epic...



as far as i know its been indefinitively postponed when Valve started working on other projects, like Portal. Which is a wicked game as well with a great storyline too...unfortunatelly, HL2 EP3 was the sacrificial lamp for that to happen.
Dude, I played UO for like a year in Grade 12 pretty much every single day until I realized that it was ruining my life and stopped. Soooooo many hours wasted on this game. lol

^This.. just watching that intro and hearing that SWEET music makes me want to go pk some newbs. I probably have some decent vet rewards if that game is even still going?
same... have a major havoc with a spare tempest board and a vectrex that i wanna sell
Juste don't forget that a generation of computer is like 5 years maximum, human generation is 25. So yes, talking about a "old game" from 1999 is nostalgic, because from gamer point of view, it's freaking old. 2009 game are already old :pI miss Need for speed High Stake, the best one in the series (there is 18 of them I think) The WOW I had with Operation Flashpoint (2001) and hours spent with IL-2 Sturmovik (2001). But nothing beat Duke nukem forever and DOOM, those game are the best ever made :D
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