lane splitting and cagers honking

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I am happy to have the education dick size comparison. Start a new thread on it. go.

You are wrong, people have been sucessfully charged and convicted of lane splitting and filtering, Until you (or anyone else)stands in front of the Ontario Court of Appeal and win on the legal point, you are wrong.

Wow you don't like to read do you. I have REPEATEDLY said "lane splitting" is covered and made illegal by the HTA.

I have already said that certain forms of "filtering" such as filtering past a moving vehicle within 30m of a pedestrian crossing is illegal, as covered by 140 of the HTA.

I have also said some forms of "Filtering" are NOT illegal as they are NOT covered by the HTA!!!

Really dude have a read over it....and I also made the point of asolutism...which you are practicing at the moment.

Maybe your university skimming has become rusty if you passed over those points. By the way, my education and career deals with codes, by laws and regulations on a daily basis. Reading the fine points of regulatory codes is what I have done as a profession for 11+ years, in a field where an F up is not a matter of 3 points and $150.

You don't seem to be able to cope with more than 4 or 5 lines of writing, so for you....just consider it illegal and don't filter in any instance. It is better for you. For others who can cope with exceptions, adapt and adjust to situational circumstances and can read more than 5 lines of text, they can come to their own decision.
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If you want to lane split, be my guest. I personally wouldn't do it due to all the bad drivers out there.

But if you get hit and end up in the hospital because of it, then oh well....No sympathy here.
Wow you don't like to read do you. I have REPEATEDLY said "lane splitting" is covered and made illegal by the HTA.

I have already said that certain forms of "filtering" such as filtering past a moving vehicle within 30m of a pedestrian crossing is illegal, as covered by 140 of the HTA.

I have also said some forms of "Filtering" are NOT illegal as they are NOT covered by the HTA!!!

Really dude have a read over it....and I also made the point of asolutism...which you are practicing at the moment.

Maybe your university skimming has become rusty if you passed over those points. By the way, my education and career deals with codes, by laws and regulations on a daily basis. Reading the fine points of regulatory codes is what I have done as a profession for 11+ years, in a field where an F up is not a matter of 3 points and $150.

You don't seem to be able to cope with more than 4 or 5 lines of writing, so for you....just consider it illegal and don't filter in any instance. It is better for you. For others who can cope with exceptions, adapt and adjust to situational circumstances and can read more than 5 lines of text, they can come to their own decision.

I read the first few, which were wrong. I am not going to read 20 more while you slowly refine your point and add qualifications. If you somehow managed to say some right things in 9 pages of posts, good for you. When you actually win some legal gymastics in front of a judge, then I'll pay attention.
I read the first few, which were wrong. I am not going to read 20 more while you slowly refine your point and add qualifications. If you somehow managed to say some right things in 9 pages of posts, good for you. When you actually win some legal gymastics in front of a judge, then I'll pay attention.

I'll keep you posted in this event.
Afaik, there is no legal difference between lane splitting and lane filtering. Could you please explain to me or show me a link to the legal definition and differences between lane splitting and lane filtering? Geez, you have started creating sub categories of filtering in an attempt to show some form of legality. Imo, people like to use the term lane filtering as a way of trying to make lane splitting seem more palatable or more safe. In essence lane splitting/filtering is just riding between two cars while sharing a lane with one of them.

Wow you don't like to read do you. I have REPEATEDLY said "lane splitting" is covered and made illegal by the HTA.

I have already said that certain forms of "filtering" such as filtering past a moving vehicle within 30m of a pedestrian crossing is illegal, as covered by 140 of the HTA.

I have also said some forms of "Filtering" are NOT illegal as they are NOT covered by the HTA!!!

Really dude have a read over it....and I also made the point of asolutism...which you are practicing at the moment.

Maybe your university skimming has become rusty if you passed over those points. By the way, my education and career deals with codes, by laws and regulations on a daily basis. Reading the fine points of regulatory codes is what I have done as a profession for 11+ years, in a field where an F up is not a matter of 3 points and $150.

You don't seem to be able to cope with more than 4 or 5 lines of writing, so for you....just consider it illegal and don't filter in any instance. It is better for you. For others who can cope with exceptions, adapt and adjust to situational circumstances and can read more than 5 lines of text, they can come to their own decision.
I've never seen anyone do it right then. I always have to wait for the lunk head to pull away to avoid injuring them. Either that or they've technically run the red, and they're forcing pedestrians to walk into live traffic.
Honestly, if they're slowing you down in some way, they're doing it wrong. For one, they're in between your lane and the guy beside you. So even if you gunned it, it should be close, but he shouldn't be in the way. If he's splitting properly and somehow still in the way, then that means you're teetering on the line, no? And while you have every right to use the full capacity of your lane, it seems like you're just doing it to be spiteful. But I can't hold that against you since I'm the one going against the norm. I would just get ahead a couple of cars or stop splitting beside you until I can find a car that'll let me so you can't put me in any more danger. Is that not a reasonable compromise?

Lane splitting is illegal, stupid and not worth the risk for the time you could be saving.
Lol spoken like someone who doesn't ride in traffic or even downtown :rolleyes:.

. I had a passenger with me and this is the selfish attitude that disturbs me. So even in these cases you still get righteous idiots who feel they need to block you, even when you don't affect their commute one single bit.
So don't filter with a passenger? I wouldn't filter with a passenger even if I could.
Here's the thing... Traffic laws are in place for the lowest common denominator. Just because I feel that I can safely triple the speed limit on Eglinton, doesn't mean I should be allowed to. If the cops see you doing something illegal or unsafe for the average person should they follow you to see if you have super awesome skills that render laws obsolete and make the opposite sex swoon at the mere sight of you?

If it's made legal and it's up to the discretion of each rider to decide what to do there's going to be a few bodies piled up at the end of the season.
Afaik, there is no legal difference between lane splitting and lane filtering. Could you please explain to me or show me a link to the legal definition and differences between lane splitting and lane filtering? Geez, you have started creating sub categories of filtering in an attempt to show some form of legality. Imo, people like to use the term lane filtering as a way of trying to make lane splitting seem more palatable or more safe. In essence lane splitting/filtering is just riding between two cars while sharing a lane with one of them.

Good point. You are 100% correct. There is ZERO definition of "filtering" or "lane splitting". Neither are mentioned AT ALL in the HTA. These two terms are colloquial definitions used loosely by ourselves and the driving public and as such are subject to various interpretations. The common view is that filtering is low speed passing in the same lane or on the line between lanes of cars generally in stopped traffic or in very slow moving traffic. This is the legally accepted definition is the UK for example. In this way, driving in the parked lane between stopped cars and parked cars can be considered "filtering". In this way, some forms of "filtering" are actually legal. The trouble lies in people not understanding both the lack of legal clarification nor the actual vernacular understanding. "Lane splitting" is riding or passing between cars, on the line, or in their lane, at a pace not considered slowly. Most people would define this as over 20kph. This speed differential is easily enough to get nailed with 172, or 154 as 154 has the "safely" clause in it. One could defend the safey of "filtering" at 12kph between stopped cars, becuase it is considered safe as pecedented in the legality of doing the SAME DAMN THING in the parking lane, even with the added door prize and pedestrian bonus! If this is considered LEGALLY safe, filtering at 12kph at a stopped light is easily defensible! However "filtering" between moving vehicles is universallty, or rather provincially considered unsafe in the eyes of the law, and in this regard, this form of filtering will highly likely be considered illegal. increasing the speed in moving traffic is sure way to break the stunting law, in addition to 154.

Also, if you were to ride between parked cars and slowly moving cars within 30 m of a pedestrian cross walk, this would then be technically illegal. So the limitations to filtering depend on circumstaces and various other "sub-groups" or behaviors as you put it. The trouble with the HTA is that it defines various actions (not specifically filtering) that are illegal in some cases and legal in others. So for example 150 describes when it is legal to pass to the right of a vehicle. 154 describes when it is legal to exit one's lane. 172 describes when too close is too close and when speed differential is too great. All of these actions, from passing to the right, exiting your lane, sharing a lane, speed differential, proximity and so on are all "sub-groups" of the act of filtering.

So "filtering" itself is not specifically addressed, but it's components are and their legality varry. There are circumstances where the "perfect storm" come together and a style or type of "filtering" is entirely legal. Or on the other hand other types of "filtering" can be illegal. Such as the case with Bunda in a single lane situation.

This is why I stress that the act itself is NOT ILLEGAL and that it is a GREY area. But others would simply and wrongly lump the whole action in its entirety into the illegal camp...which is not true.

But for some it is simpler and that's ok. The mistake is to believe it is illegal and then to justify an illegal road rage assualt such as endangering a biker by blocking them, opening your door to harm them (which is EXPLICITLY ILLEGAL: 165 of the HTA) or intimidating them on the road. Road rage is already a problem and the last thing we need is dumb witted absolutism self reighteous road ragers taking it out on us. We also don't need apologetic high horse rider types either, nor do we need law breaking thrill junkies who think anything I said means they can lane split on the highway illegally either.

None of these extremes is what is needed, rather sound moderation in the middle is what I advocate.
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Here's the thing... Traffic laws are in place for the lowest common denominator. Just because I feel that I can safely triple the speed limit on Eglinton, doesn't mean I should be allowed to. If the cops see you doing something illegal or unsafe for the average person should they follow you to see if you have super awesome skills that render laws obsolete and make the opposite sex swoon at the mere sight of you?

If it's made legal and it's up to the discretion of each rider to decide what to do there's going to be a few bodies piled up at the end of the season.

By all means, if it is a grey area you are not comfortable riding in, don't do it. But the fact is the law has not addressed (in it's entirety) the act of filtering. Again I stress this was the very issue in the UK before a number of cases forced the system to address it, and they eventually ruled in favour of "filtering" but NOT "lane splitting". Our legal system has not yet been forced to address the split hairs that are obviously confusing to most people.

No one is forcing you to filter.
By all means, if it is a grey area you are not comfortable riding in, don't do it. But the fact is the law has not addressed (in it's entirety) the act of filtering. Again I stress this was the very issue in the UK before a number of cases forced the system to address it, and they eventually ruled in favour of "filtering" but NOT "lane splitting". Our legal system has not yet been forced to address the split hairs that are obviously confusing to most people.

No one is forcing you to filter.

Given the mentality in this province, their response will simply be, make it illegal and charge them. done.

This may be a grey area, but I have a handful of first hand experiences with yellow pieces of paper that tell you it's a no-no.
I'll keep you posted in this event.

Good luck with that. Until then you are spreading misinformation.
I would look forward to you splitting hairs in front of Justice Doherty, But I doubt you would have the resolve to actually get there.
Good luck with that. Until then you are spreading misinformation.
I would look forward to you splitting hairs in front of Justice Doherty, But I doubt you would have the resolve to actually get there.

1) I am not spreading misinformation
2) I have no problem taking it to court. I filter daily and have dealt with cops on a number of occassions with regard to this issue. I personally don't have a problem being pulled over and having a discussion. If you or others don't feel confortable with the inevitable cop pulling you over, then don't filter. I have never stated it is socially accepted, nor universally legal. I have also not said you will not be pulled over. Nor have I said it is easy.

I am quite comfortable defending my case, and that's what the court system is for. But if you feel we have a Judge Dredd legal system, sadly you are the one spreading misinformation. If you feel our justice system is a sham and doesn't listen to defences, then that speaks more to your apathy and the poor state of this province than any minor issue as filtering.

But by all means, perpetuate the fear mongering and "told you so" attitude. It suits you. Name dropping helps also. Supreme Court of Appeal eh? Hahaha, your a joke to think it is even on that scale. You talk like this is a patriot act offence or something, like no one will hear the plight of the filterer as they rot in Moroccan prison waiting for a presidential pardon.
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1) I am not spreading misinformation
2) I have no problem taking it to court. I filter daily and have dealt with cops on a number of occassions with regard to this issue. I personally don't have a problem being pulled over and having a discussion. If you or others don't feel confortable with the inevitable cop pulling you over, then don't filter. I have never stated it is socially accepted, nor universally legal. I have also not said you will not be pulled over. Nor have I said it is easy.

I am quite comfortable defending my case, and that's what the court system is for. But if you feel we have a Judge Dredd legal system, sadly you are the one spreading misinformation. If you feel our justice system is a sham and doesn't listen to defences, then that speaks more to your apathy and the poor state of this province than any minor issue as filtering.

But by all means, perpetuate the fear mongering and "told you so" attitude. It suits you. Name dropping helps also. Supreme Court of Appeal eh? Hahaha, your a joke to think it is even on that scale. You talk like this is a patriot act offence or something, like no one will hear the plight of the filterer as they rot in Moroccan prison waiting for a presidential pardon.

You are still full of ****, but I look forward to your case in the Supreme Court of Appeal... ( whatever the hell that is )
No offense, but if I have to fold my mirrors for someone to get by, they are way too close already. Patience. :)

No offense, but if I have to fold my mirrors for someone to get by, they are way too close already. Patience. :)

I meant my mirrors. As in fold (one's) mirrors in. Mine fold in very easily. I don't expect a car to fold their mirror for me.
No offense, but if I have to fold my mirrors for someone to get by, they are way too close already. Patience.

If you bother to quote in a non-selective manner to alter context you will note I am referring to the behavior of the person doing the filtering and in this context the English "your" is used in the singular non gender defined third person, such as "one", not directed at the driver of a car being filtered past as the singular second (meaning you personally) or third person. The quote below with context for your reference.

"Care needs to be taken and there should be an understanding of the culture around these activities. Perhaps a friendly wave, or folding in your mirrors or not going all the way to the front when safe space is not available, but tucking into an available gap between bumpers."
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If you bother to quote in a non-selective manner to alter context you will note I am referring to the behavior of the person doing the filtering and in this context the English "your" is used in the plural third person, such as "one", not directed at the driver as the singular second person. The quote below with context for your reference.

"Care needs to be taken and there should be an understanding of the culture around these activities. Perhaps a friendly wave, or folding in your mirrors or not going all the way to the front when safe space is not available, but tucking into an available gap between bumpers."
Sorry, I misunderstood "your mirrors" BUT if you can't get through without folding your mirrors, guess what, still TOO CLOSE.
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I meant my mirrors. As in fold (one's) mirrors in. Mine fold in very easily. I don't expect a car to fold their mirror for me.

And thats closer than too close. You better be my bf to be that close otherwise you'll have one ****** off woman who will do what she can to be sure you never do that again.
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