I hear you Rob. By the way statistically there is no data that says lane splitting is dangerous or causes an increase in motorcycle accidents in those countries that allow it, that is why it continues to be allowed. Here is a different kettle of fish I admit because Canadian drivers in generally do not have the word courteous in the their volcabulary. I'm also well aware how to take advantage of my narrow width. I've been riding for over 30 years, was a motorcycle courier in London for a couple of years back in the 80s and have been riding downtown Toronto for the last 20 years. I'm just saying act responsibility, assess the risk and be courteous, other than that do what your comfortable doing.
As someone said on here who cares what others think of you as you can't control how others perseve you. You are doing absolutely no harm to anyone by moving to the front of the line if you can do so safely without impeded anyone else... who gives a rats *** because it annoys someone else... people are easily annoyed these days.
As someone said on here who cares what others think of you as you can't control how others perseve you. You are doing absolutely no harm to anyone by moving to the front of the line if you can do so safely without impeded anyone else... who gives a rats *** because it annoys someone else... people are easily annoyed these days.
Some laws have apparently fallen by the wayside. Police no longer seem to ticket for blocking the fast lane, failing to signal, etc.. The failing to signal thing is a very good reason not to split, by the way.
There are ways, other than lane splitting, to take advantage of a bike's narrow width. There are downtown lanes that are too narrow for a car to use, as where vehicles are parked along the roadside for example, where a bike can legally advance through traffic if the rider is cautious. Smaller size and greater acceleration allow riders to take advantage of openings in traffic, that a car driver never could.
See my video, above. There have been something like 5 separate incidents for me over the last 3 years, on that ramp, in which I've nearly been clipped by splitting bikes. I'm not on my high horse about it. Far from it. What I am, is about damned ready to swing a wrecking bar at the next rider who puts my safety at risk.