Running from police.

There is direct, and indirect promotion of an idea.

Stating that running is now considered an option by some is as much of promoting of running, as saying that depressed people can commit suicide is promoting of a suicide. It's not like stating that will give anyone an idea they would have never thought of otherwise.
The people that are going to run, are going to run. The rest of us are just going to stop and take our lumps.
Who cares. Writing reams about it, isn't gonna change the "runners" mind, me don't think. ruins his sketchy argument that the cops are making criminals with their laws.

It's not sketchy. It's how laws work. Smoking a weed out of a field was perfectly normal and society could care less... until the powers-that-be made it a crime. See how that works? Are you braindead?
I'm not promoting it as a good law, just saying the majority of people caught under the law seem to have deserved it and most complaining are complaining simply of being caught. Also I made a comment on the fact that if you value riding that much you wouldn't do anything to jeapardize that would you?

I think the basis of the law is good, it makes people think twice about acting like an ***.

The problem isn't with those that deserved it, it's those poor saps that DIDN'T that are still screwed under this ridiculous law. They may indeed be the minority but there are still far to many that have suffered that shouldn't have under a law that hasn't even been around for even a couple of years yet. If you still haven't realized that motorcyclists are discriminated against over cagers than you certainly haven't been riding very long or you are way to deep into denial. Given that police services, like politics holds a great attraction for those among us that are the poorest examples of the human species, it is just too much unhindered power to grant to their likes. It isn't that there aren't good police officers or even the odd good politician, but both fields have a much higher percentage of vermin than in most other fields and you don't put the fox in charge of the hen house, that just makes no sense at all.
well people that run from police end up paying the price somehow. what comes around goes around.

You are missing the point. What is being attempted to show here is that the laws have gotten so ridiculous that it is a case of damned if you do or damned if you don't, there is little if ANY difference. And worse, even the innocent are paying a very dear price before they have even been given their day in court, with no retribution. Why is this so difficult to comprehend?
Was talking to a group of riders I know here in Kingston last night, by happenstance. They are now rolling 200km/h+ when they get into the countryside, so that if they run into enforcement, they're already doing warp speed. I advised them that it's stupid to push those speeds for hours at a time, it's just asking for trouble.

But that's what this heavy-handed enforcement is leading to. People won't obey laws when both the laws and the punishment are unfair. It's not just traffic laws either, this approach will lead to the rot of support and respect of authority in general.
Was talking to a group of riders I know here in Kingston last night, by happenstance. They are now rolling 200km/h+ when they get into the countryside, so that if they run into enforcement, they're already doing warp speed. I advised them that it's stupid to push those speeds for hours at a time, it's just asking for trouble.

But that's what this heavy-handed enforcement is leading to. People won't obey laws when both the laws and the punishment are unfair. It's not just traffic laws either, this approach will lead to the rot of support and respect of authority in general.

Yea. The cops are making us break the law with their laws.

Not braindead by a long stretch.
Stating that running is now considered an option by some is as much of promoting of running, as saying that depressed people can commit suicide is promoting of a suicide. It's not like stating that will give anyone an idea they would have never thought of otherwise.

It's normalizing the mindset when it comes from someone who is in a position, for better or worse, of "authority" on a message board.

MODS making up excuses for such actions is sketchy IMHO.
Ya, I would have never considered running from the police untill a moderator on GTAM told me it was ok.
Yea. The cops are making us break the law with their laws.

Not braindead by a long stretch.

Its not their laws, its their enforcement and penalties.

Something that you can;t understand, but when people are faced with the possiblities of losing their lic (possible their jobs, huge fines, huge increase in insurance premiums) the option of running becomes much easier to justify.

The problem is that in your world, cops do not abuse their power but the reality of the fact is that they do. Read the threads in law section about guys getting booked for accelerating to fast but still under the limit, lane splitting etc.. and then consider the sgt that was allegedly handing out bogus 172 charges.

I am neutral on the issue, only difference is that I can see both sides while you are blinded and can only see one.
I'd say don't do it. Sometimes though cops wont chase. I guess it depends on the risks of chasing you versus reward of catching you. Would a cop chase you for a 10 over ticket in heavy traffic? Who knows?
You need to either work on your reading comprehension, or formulate a different attack. So far you're failing on both counts.


I get it.

Getting used to being called either a troll or dumb in these threads.
I GET both sides. I'm just one of the few that is voicing the OTHER side of some of these arguments. And loving it i might add.

When it gets to the point where i'm either dumb or a troll i know we have hit a wall.

So continue.

Its not their laws, its their enforcement and penalties.

Something that you can;t understand, but when people are faced with the possiblities of losing their lic (possible their jobs, huge fines, huge increase in insurance premiums) the option of running becomes much easier to justify.

The problem is that in your world, cops do not abuse their power but the reality of the fact is that they do. Read the threads in law section about guys getting booked for accelerating to fast but still under the limit, lane splitting etc.. and then consider the sgt that was allegedly handing out bogus 172 charges.

I am neutral on the issue, only difference is that I can see both sides while you are blinded and can only see one.
The problem isn't with those that deserved it, it's those poor saps that DIDN'T that are still screwed under this ridiculous law. They may indeed be the minority but there are still far to many that have suffered that shouldn't have under a law that hasn't even been around for even a couple of years yet. If you still haven't realized that motorcyclists are discriminated against over cagers than you certainly haven't been riding very long or you are way to deep into denial. Given that police services, like politics holds a great attraction for those among us that are the poorest examples of the human species, it is just too much unhindered power to grant to their likes. It isn't that there aren't good police officers or even the odd good politician, but both fields have a much higher percentage of vermin than in most other fields and you don't put the fox in charge of the hen house, that just makes no sense at all.

Perhaps they are discriminated against where you live but I don't see that here. Are there statistics that we can see to back this up? I've said before I drive/ride several hundred kms each week to and from Ottawa 401/416/417/174 and haven't seen a single bike pulled over at the side of the road last year and this year so far. That's not denial, those are my observations.

There's a few other things at play here too....I won't say this is a majority view, but there's certainly a bit of the very sad "I'm an outlaw, I ride a bike" mentality at play here and that image fits with the whole victimisation thing. Then of course there's the "I'm being victimised" cry of the person that's just ****** they got caught.

Look..I ride too, I know exactly how much fun it is to twist the grip..and how easy too. I also know that as a responsible citzen I have certain duties to the rest of society.

Someone wrote on another thread that they weren't going to follow the norms and that people should "rattle the bars". I'd counter that it's the monkeys that rattle the bars and the smart person that finds the key to unlock the cage. Laws don't change by the people that they are directed at ignoring them, that just makes those laws more valid.
Just because some riders now decide to run is not an argument that the punishment is too high. Apart from how these particular riders could just be thick as bricks, you'll always have unintended consequences.

People get killed sometimes because they are wearing seat belts. This is not a good argument against seat belts. If you increase the punishment for rape, too close to the punishment for murder, more rapists may kill their victims - for another example.

Point is whether or not the law has the intended consequences overall, i.e. greater deterrence than encouraging running. I don't think anyone is saying it's not a deterrent, right?

Yep, this law has expensive consequences if abused. And, like all laws, it will be abused from time to time. But note that there is no incentive for a cop to abuse the law. In fact because of the known sensitivities I suggest that cops have been told to apply it very carefully. Notice that tags are always reduced from the observed speed? Note that you've got to be at least 20 over to even get noticed on the 400 series on a nice clear day. Same thing here, only more I bet.
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Yep, this law has expensive consequences if abused. And, like all laws, it will be abused from time to time. But note that there is no incentive for a cop to abuse the law. In fact because of the known sensitivities I suggest that cops have been told to apply it very carefully. Notice that tags are always reduced from the observed speed? Note that you've got to be at least 20 over to even get noticed on the 400 series on a nice clear day. Same thing here, only more I bet.

Giving someone a ticket may not be an incentive, but getting someone's vehicle towed may be a satisfying experience for someone who just wants to kick some butt. Tickets aren't always reduced either.

Last, and most importantly, you have no recourse from having your vehicle impounded and your licence suspended. That's not the same as simply getting a ticket, even if that ticket may be considered an "abuse of power" (for example a ticket for 1km/h over the limit). That's nowhere close to that.
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