Zoom Cleaner


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We had a quick demonstration of this stuff on sunday at our trials event on a very muddy trialer.I'm not a big fan of products with huge claims like some do.But this stuff really seemed to make a very simple job of cleaning a bike.Anyone have any experience with it?
Here's a before and after.Literally 3 minutes time.

Never used a bike cleaner.My system has always been garden hose soap and brush.
I bought it, but to be honest it did not seem to work any better than normal soap and water.
I've tried it as well as and alternative to Motul Motowash and they both work well enough but are not miracle products. Pretty sure it was Apex in Cambridge who recommended it.
Had a bottle of S100 in the late 80s. Worked alright, but never bothered to get another. Regular soap and water does the job with a little more work and didn't seem as "toxic" as something that worked too easily.
I bought it, but to be honest it did not seem to work any better than normal soap and water.

Hi- I just stumbled onto this thread. I'm the maker of ZOOM and would like to address any questions, comments etc., if I may...

Robp - It's not clear which soap you typically have used? I'm personally not aware of any regular common household soaps that can easily remove heavy dirt, bugs, brake dust and other road grime without a lot of manual scrubbing etc. Especially on dirtbikes, ATV's or other heavy dirt applications where wheel hubs and nooks & crannies around the engine, etc. are tough to reach and easily clean with typical soaps and detergents.

ZOOM was created after many years & a bit of frustration from using all types of off the shelf 'soaps', 'detergents' and other specialty cleaners that you buy at places like Canadian Tire, or powersports dealers, etc. I found that they either took too long, or didn't work as well as I wanted, or were too caustic, too toxic, or cost too much to use each time.
I wash my bike after each use, which means it gets washed each week.
ZOOM hits all the checkboxes for me; safe on most surfaces, low price per wash, effectiveness, ease of use, safe on me and the environment.

Here's what it does do;
It uses powerful chemistry to help release and suspend dirt, road grime, brake dust, bugs, and other types of gunk without having to do heavy scrubbing. Just a light agitation with a soft cloth, brush or sponge and then a rinse with plain water from a garden hose, or a power washer is all that is needed to finish up. (you can also apply ZOOM, let set, rinse, then agitate, and rinse again to prevent scratching nice painted surfaces, or if washing in hot direct sunlight etc.)
One of the key ingredients can help soften hard water to a degree, which helps in the cleaning & rinse process.
It does remove dirt, bugs, road grime, brake dust, black streaks, mildew and algae from most outdoor surfaces.

It can save a lot of manual work and time cleaning a bike, car, RV trailer or other outdoor items. It does a good job of cleaning hard to reach areas, without manual scrubbing.
It can also save a lot of money compared to other specialty cleaners such as what you'll find in powersports dealers.
ZOOM, when bought in the 3.78 liter jugs of concentrate is a lot cheaper to use on a per-wash basis than most other specialty cleaners. The cost per wash on a bike can drop down to $1-2 compared to $5-10 or more, per wash when using expensive specialty cleaners.
Because it's quite versatile, customers can also save money by no longer needing to buy several other household and specialty cleaners. By keeping their vehicles clean, customers can get more money for them when they sell.

It's also biodegradable, which is important. It's rated as non-toxic and non corrosive, so it's fairly safe to use. It also doesn't have a strong chemical odor.

We don't advertise it as a degreaser. IMO, there are better products for that type of application; varsol, WD40, specialty degreasers, etc. That being said, some of our customers have used it to remove oil and light grease with some success. Consider that a bonus.
If you have a bike that hasn't been washed in years of use and that has a lot of baked on dirt & grime on the engine and other surfaces,... well, ZOOM won't return it back to looking brand new... LOL. I don't think any cleaner can.

A lot of people that have heavy cleaning to do ie. multiple dirt bikes, ATV's, large campers etc. have switched to ZOOM because of the time, money and effort it saves them.
Many have reported that their wash times have dropped to less than half the time it used to take them. This is important for busy families. :)

Is ZOOM a miracle cleaner? We don't advertise it as that & I'm not sure it's possible to create a cleaner that is a miracle to everyone in every application. Miracle is a pretty subjective term..... :) However, for the price, we find it does a great job for most people in most outdoor applications.

I hope that helps clarify things?

I'm always happy to help and want our customers to be satisfied.


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Finally had a chance to really use this stuff.The trial today was VERY muddy with some sections almost unrideable.

Here's a pic of the bikes after the event.

After Zoom.No pressure washer or brushes.Just a garden hose and 20 minutes.I'm impressed.
What's the cost compared to S100? That's my go-to but it's bloody expensive. I find soap and water really doesn't get that "film" off, but the S100 cuts right through it.
I think it's $28 for a 4l jug of the concentrate.I mixed it 10/1 for my sprayer,and used about 1l per bike.Not sure how much S100 is.Do the math.
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