Zellers to return in 2023

Not as old as the pic above but this was also a great place to shop. and for me a great part-time job for about 7 years or so.
Actually I never quit.... just kept giving my shifts away at the end.

Trivia question: What Does HMV stand for? (don't google it)
I know that one.

It's the logo of the dog on the phonograph that gives it away: "His Master's Voice".

Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding.... you have won a "Free Smile" , Please visit your local McD's to claim your prize.

You are correct.
If we are going to get all nostalgic..., Kmart, Woolworths,
are both alive and well in Australia

colloquially Woolies and in every strip mall in competition with Coles which is not your Canuck version which is books and other stationery etc.

Target also popular in Australia.

I refuse to shop at Walmart even tho some prices are lower - don't like the company and I suspect I'm not alone.
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Woolworth had a dinner counter , 25 stools, one long countertop . One became pretty famous after somebody sat at the wrong end of the counter .

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