Well... my winter maintenance went terribly today. The plan was: fix rear signal light (it popped off), add fuel stabilizer, and remove battery. Simple enough. The signal went great after some googling. Second, I decided to remove that battery (which was dumb because I had to later run the bike after adding the stabilizer) and that's when everything went to hell.
I had my 5 year old nephew "helping" me. Hold the flashlight type stuff. After removing the seat I took out the tool pouch from beside the battery, he asked to see the plastic tube that held all the bits. He then proceeded to spill all of them IN to the bike ?
Half of them were easily accessible. The others, not so much. And I basically had to start taking apart random parts of the bike to retrieve them ?
CONS: Job took way longer than it needed to
PROS: Learned a bit more about my bike after being so intimate with it. And now I know to ask Santa for one of those telescoping magnet on a stick doohickies for Christmas this year.