Your Vote is needed - Please read and vote

Here it is, not doing to well by the way


It wasn't created to do well, it was created to show how phoney yours is. If people really want to make a difference they could volunteer their time to something worthwhile like shelter for abused women and children, homeless ect.

Sent from my SGH-I727R using Tapatalk HD
It wasn't created to do well, it was created to show how phoney yours is. If people really want to make a difference they could volunteer their time to something worthwhile like shelter for abused women and children, homeless ect.

Sent from my SGH-I727R using Tapatalk HD
Feel free to go ahead and do that, I will be sure not to **** on your stuff!

Thanks for continuing to bump my thread to the top ;)
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Speed kills is a fav of the govt taglines because it's easy to find people and causes to blame for the carnage on the roads.

however I will vote simply because I hate the current limits and I think they're fully behind the times.
I don't agree with this. It would only mean more out of control pickup trucks and SUVs. This will do nothing for traffic.
Besides, the practical speed limit on the 400 highways is 120 anyway.
This stupid idea was the entire platform of the "Freedom Party" in the last provincial election, they got like 12 votes.
Even if all that traffic could somehow move faster, this would only waste >20% more gas and make a lot more pollution.

If the average speed increases say 5% the amount of vehicles on the road decrease 5%. that goes a long way to reduce traffic. Simple no?
If the average speed increases say 5% the amount of vehicles on the road decrease 5%. that goes a long way to reduce traffic. Simple no?
I do agree with the fact that increasing speeds will help traffic flow but I don't think you can put it in those absolute numbers

Make sure you vote! thanks
LMAO, you don't really believe this stupid voting is going to make a difference.

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Politicians care about what the majority of the public wants and what is best for the public

I couldn't keep a straight face while typing that :lmao:
Perhaps start a poll there.
Change the license system for safer roads.
Use that voting poll for them to have a source of feedback that is public.

Start a insurance poll there...that should be fun.
Are we overpaying and getting robbed.
Why do I have to insure two vehicles even though I can only drive one at a time?
Politicians care about what the majority of the public wants and what is best for the public

I couldn't keep a straight face while typing that :lmao:
Even if you don't agree, thank you for putting the thread at the top of the page
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]6 Votes away from taking Rank #1 - Yesterday we were 300 away, tomorrow for sure it will be ranked #1.

Ranked #1

Thank you everyone
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If you want highway traffic to move faster then teach people how to drive properly in the first place. Increasing the speed limit to compensate for rank bad driving, and equally poor driving instruction standards, is pointless. In fact, it's dangerous.
No they don't, especially something like this. And 500 or 600 votes in a population of 13.5 million lmfao, Ya they will take this serious hahahahahaha hahaha.
On a general note oilycreek, the way democratic governments work is not by 680 vs 13.5ml. If that was the case, no petition would ever work because itd be 1000 signatures vs 13.5ml? No, they take the number of votes/signatures in relevance to the population. So for example, 1000 signatures is representative of 100000 ppl in a city with a bigger population. What you are referring to is when ~13.5 ml people vote against it and 680ppl vote for it. just a general note on how votes or petitions like this work.
It wasn't created to do well, it was created to show how phoney yours is. If people really want to make a difference they could volunteer their time to something worthwhile like shelter for abused women and children, homeless ect. Sent from my SGH-I727R using Tapatalk HD

Ouch! Why the negativity?
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