Your lowest moment during COVID-19

Well, I've got to say my lowest moments have been:
A) interview process put on hold by a company I really want to work for
B) finding out the fiancee destroyed a bunch of chicken breasts on the BBQ when I was busy working in the garage...

She knows she can't BBQ... I've told her to stop trying.. but she's a hard headed terrier personality.

Wait....fiancée?!! Did I miss something there?....

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Laying on the driveway checking the exhaust on my truck.
Having to deal with the Waterloo Region's health Network. In the past 2 1/2 years they have been impossible to get any constructive help from. Last week they called and said they have a team of PSW's to go from home to home (all elderly). Ya, ok.
Looking up every bestbuy, walmart, ebgames in a 12 hr driving range to see if they have a nintendo switch available for sale....
Haha, I saw one guy at Costco buying four a few weeks ago. He looked like he was tired of fights. Add costco to you list of places to stalk.
Having to deal with the Waterloo Region's health Network. In the past 2 1/2 years they have been impossible to get any constructive help from. Last week they called and said they have a team of PSW's to go from home to home (all elderly). Ya, ok.

Ford just said workers could only have one place of employment to prevent spread. Suddenly that is nullified because there is only one patient per facility?
Well searching 3 times a day on every website paid off...

$15 more but whatever... only drawback is I gotta wait 10 days for it.
Looking up every bestbuy, walmart, ebgames in a 12 hr driving range to see if they have a nintendo switch available for sale....
Ya, people are asking ridiculous money for those things on Kijiji recently. I bought mine 4 months ago or so for travelling. Really enjoy the portability, but prefer the PS4 for gaming.

If you're looking for Luigi's Mansion 3 or Odyssey let me know. I finished both and will be selling them in short order.
Not really a low moment.Actually pretty funny.Copied from my daughters fb page.

The game is: guess which one of these things our kids did not do this week while on lock down?

1. Make up a game called covid tag.
2. Refrain from wearing 50% of their clothes 100% of the time.
3. Send a photo of me in a grateful dead bikini to ***** mom (boyfriend's ex) while playing with his phone.
4. Made us eat lunch in their restaurant (i.e. Our storage area in the basement).
5. Jump on the trampoline naked.
6. Naked yoga.
Sounds like serious nudity going on in the Kitchener-Waterloo region.
7 year old and 4 year old.
Grandkids.They have their own fb facetime link that we use a lot.
I went outside with no pants yesterday. Garage is detached, hubby working from there, I am working from house.

Got all the way upstairs of garage, wandering around, and he looks at me "ummm...Tar I am on a video call,"

Awesome. Imaidiot
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