Any group or forum is going to be defined mainly by the people that participate in it, not by the medium or platform it's on.
One web forum I used to frequent turned into a political-crapfest, no moderation whatsoever, so politics quickly over-ran the board. A vibrant community of over 1000 users reduced to 2 people posting Trump-Is-A-Great-Man-Others-Are-Not memes and LOLing at each others posts for the last 5 years. A literal echo chamber of TWO PEOPLE...!
Something I hope never happens to GTAM.
A lot of the well-moderated FB motorcycle groups that I've added are super-informative and the critical mass of users leads to good group-think around solutions. The model-specific groups also let users share issues with their bikes despite the manufacturer responding with the stock: "Oh, that's an interesting problem. You're the ONLY one who's reported that". Like the chocolate cams issue with the 790s and 890s.
Not to say there aren't brain-dead FB groups as well. There's a GTA motorcycle riders FB group that I pop my head into once in a while. Then I pop my head back out almost immediately because my eyes have have rolled back so hard they've hit the back of my skull at some of the sheer stupidity.
Just recently, someone put up a Rider Down post on that group. So many, "It's winter, nobody should be riding their motorcycle! Serves them right!" posts in response was disheartening. These are FELLOW MOTORCYCLE RIDERS.
I started wondering where the admins were. Then realized the first person who responded with, "It's winter, he deserves it."... WAS the admin.
Yeah. Imma peace outta that sh!tshow.
I got better things to do in the wintertime.
Like ride my motorcycle...