young riders in Burl, Ham, Guelph

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so b/c of my age u assume im a dangerous driver?. and why did u go ahead and change my quote, ive never said women were loose cannons,?
friday the 29th of august....whose in and what times are good, all are welcome, we'll pick a meet place when i hear back from a few people,
Man I'm way out at 52, anybody seen my teeth?

Hi Son! I barely remember being 52 & still don't know what to do when I grow up, other than buy another SS bike.

Teeth are probably in a mug, somewhere in the bathroom - memory's 1st to go ;-)
the only group ride i've ever shown up to from this site ended up being full of cruisers so i bailed.

I was there for that. Burlington doesnt seem to have many sport bike rides going on. I know people are out there cause i pass you on the streets but how come we never get together. Im usually up for a ride. Its my first season so if you dont mind that then count me in for any rides im right down town Burlington.
I'm gonna go for the Appleby meet this week since I live on that street. =p Couldn't last week because of the Bills game in Toronto.
I live in Guelph and am only 21......twice.
I'm ridin down to Burrito Boyz tonight. I'll likely just stick to lakeshore, its not the most entertaining ride but there's some ignorant big houses down there and pretty things to look at.

If anyone wants to tag along, meet me at the Esso at the corner of Fairview and Walkers. Aim to leave around 630.
daryl mac, zoo chris, N21981603 how goes it and working tonite but was going to hit up snake road and do like and hour and a half ride around the area....i was thinking i will be at clappisons corners tim hortons( corner of highway 6 and highway 5) at 2:30 and will leave at 3..all are welcome, ill be riding a black yamaha r6...hope to see u there...later
I might be up for a slow paced ride
i have a buddy i have to move in this Saturday but if any one is up for a ride on Sunday lets figure something out. as for the after work rides i work till 5 or later but if im off work id be up for some shenanigans.:eek:
what time friday ? if it's after any rain , i might be able 2 link up ! where are the possible prime meet-spots and runs ?
what time friday ? if it's after any rain , i might be able 2 link up ! where are the possible prime meet-spots and runs ?

snake road is good, after that i like to take york off snake after a lap or two then go south to plains rd, take it to brant and head north, go east on north service road until about appleby line where it gets straight, u should pm me before u head down..perhaps i could meet u in burlington and i could show u the runs..either way lemme know
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