Young offenders

I have mixed emotions about corporal punishment but it beats capital punishment. Joking aside, the punishment should be from the humiliation not the physical impact.

Generally speaking, using physical violence means that one doesn't have the intelligence to deal with the situation in a logical manner. I am occasionally included in that group.

Also, I was thinking about the countless you-tube videos showing people getting whacked in the head and groin. While theoretically they are educational (Don't do the typical Hold my beer stuff) most are viewed as entertainment. Does seeing someone slip and fall make us more aware of slip / trip hazards or is it just for laughs?

Russian car crash videos I take seriously. Toronto drivers study them for technique.
The YOA is yet another stroke of brilliant social engineering foisted upon us by the limp-wristed, hand-wringing, liberal "progressives", who rarely have to live with the results of their actions. So we are now enjoying the fruits of their labours; snotty little b@st@rds with no respect for anything and no fear of consequences. Christ, you can't even give kids detention because it might damage their delicate self-esteem. Problem is, all they have is 'self'. Can't fail them at school, in sports everyone gets a medal just for showing up, endless excuses for everything. No family values, no church values, no social values. Everything is their "right", with no obligations.
After just one hit with that hammer, Im sure they would change their minds about being super hero's

Being mentally ill is even better off for you, you spend a little time in the nut house, deem you not criminally responsible, put you on meds. Then they put you through school, find you a place to live, and find you a job, and let you back into society, all at the expense of tax payers money....And were just supposed to go on believing that because they are now medicated it wont happen again

I guess I should be locked up in prison for life than.

Funny, two months after assaulting a cop (Yeah, that's right I did that) in a psychotic state I was back to my 85k/year job and paying my taxes like a good little sucker despite the fact that I still felt like absolute ****. Even the two months I was off work was covered by my work, not the government. A year and a half later I'm pretty much back to my old self. All this happened because I experimented a little with drugs and my brain just so happens to be more sensitive than most people's.

Oh and being locked up in a mental hospital and being forced to take psychiatric drugs is great. If given the choice between prison and being forced to take Psych "meds", I'd take prison any day of the week. At least in prison you can think freely. On some of the Psych meds you're pretty much "in prison" 24/7.
I guess I should be locked up in prison for life than.

Funny, two months after assaulting a cop (Yeah, that's right I did that) in a psychotic state I was back to my 85k/year job and paying my taxes like a good little sucker despite the fact that I still felt like absolute ****. Even the two months I was off work was covered by my work, not the government. A year and a half later I'm pretty much back to my old self. All this happened because I experimented a little with drugs and my brain just so happens to be more sensitive than most people's.

I have no problem with your situation, you were in an altered state with a known cause and now you avoid the cause. You are the perfect candidate for help and back to society. Now if you started taking drugs again and relapsed, I would have less sympathy.

One guy keeps stabbing women in the back on the danforth, goes to psych hospital for a few years, is "cured" and gets released and repeats. F that, with a repeated pattern of criminal behaviour, even in the absence of intent, lock em up. As a minimum, the psych lock up should be at least the length of the jail sentence for the crime, if you are rehabilitated earlier, spend the rest of the time in a jail.
I guess I should be locked up in prison for life than.

Funny, two months after assaulting a cop (Yeah, that's right I did that) in a psychotic state I was back to my 85k/year job and paying my taxes like a good little sucker despite the fact that I still felt like absolute ****. Even the two months I was off work was covered by my work, not the government. A year and a half later I'm pretty much back to my old self. All this happened because I experimented a little with drugs and my brain just so happens to be more sensitive than most people's.

Oh and being locked up in a mental hospital and being forced to take psychiatric drugs is great. If given the choice between prison and being forced to take Psych "meds", I'd take prison any day of the week. At least in prison you can think freely. On some of the Psych meds you're pretty much "in prison" 24/7.

Well maybe my story is a little different, someone I grew up with killed my X girlfriends father in his own home. He walking in had a struggle, her little brother tired to stop it, he cut him then stuck the knife in the fathers chest. Went upstairs changed his cloths, and then walked down the street like nothing happened. Few years later he is let out of the nut house, has his own apartment and a job payed for by us tax payers. So yeah my experience and feelings on the subject may be a little different.......The police actually told her mother after this, that the best thing she could do is move, because they cant really stop it from happening again....
One guy keeps stabbing women in the back on the danforth, goes to psych hospital for a few years, is "cured" and gets released and repeats. F that, with a repeated pattern of criminal behaviour, even in the absence of intent, lock em up. As a minimum, the psych lock up should be at least the length of the jail sentence for the crime, if you are rehabilitated earlier, spend the rest of the time in a jail.

If this is the case the local crowns office deserves a swift kick in the ***
From the sound of it this fellow would be a perfect fit for the dangerous offender designation
Even if you send them to jail there's not much stopping them from doing it again when they get out. Our sentences are generally pretty short and once you have a record your life is basically screwed from ever being "normal" again so for a lot of them there's no incentive to not go back to robbing and assaulting people.
Speak like an adult and you would be taken a bit more seriously. Your sisters story is something that should never happen to a child. I feel for her.

And no - 13 or 23 you knew what was right and wrong. The variable is whether you knew the consequences. Obviously you did not learn from them as you ended up spending "a part of every teenage years in the clink ".

You were a hooligan by the sounds of it and no people are not people. What does that even mean to a "somewhat functioning human being"?
Nice edit. I don't care what you think or who you respect. I said what I think and that's that.

Young offenders need harsher penalties. Too much is being nannied, perfect example is when I was asked not to press charges.
Speak like an adult and you would be taken a bit more seriously. Your sisters story is something that should never happen to a child. I feel for her.

And no - 13 or 23 you knew what was right and wrong. The variable is whether you knew the consequences. Obviously you did not learn from them as you ended up spending "a part of every teenage years in the clink ".

You were a hooligan by the sounds of it and no people are not people. What does that even mean to a "somewhat functioning human being"?

I'm not going to go into detail but I got to a place in life that I hated the world.I knew right from wrong,I just ddn't give a **** at that time.Anyway somewhere along the line I developed a conscious and gave up that lifestyle,I just couldn't do it anymore
^^^i'll respond to your first post on this page first,my computer is on the fritz.I got to a place in my life at 13 where I hated the world,Sure I knew right from wrong ,I just didn't anger led me to do a lot of very stupid things,my conscious caught up to me at some point and I gve up that lifestyle.
Nice edit. I don't care what you think or who you respect. I said what I think and that's that.

Young offenders need harsher penalties. Too much is being nannied, perfect example is when I was asked not to press charges.

I don't know if y.o. 's need harsher penalties or not ,But if u got a taste of metrowest phase 2 in the mid nineties,you might rethink that,it has since been shutdo(phase 2 units 16,17 year olds) and yes it was that bad
Some of my first that I deleted was just rambling so here are some modified thoughts,lol.Anyways,take it easy guys/gals I am more than done with this thread
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