You hit him!... Yeah, I dont care

Actually the reason is most drivers here cant drive and changing lanes are risky moves to them. I actually talked to a few ppl that told me, "if you change lanes and cause accidents, its your fault. If you stay on one lane, and someone hit you, its their fault "

What is the point of your statement???
Well I would like to see some evidence from a doctor that this sociopath was stung by a wasp. It looked like attempted murder to me. There's no doubt the rider was acting like a clown, but it didn't merit assault with a deadly weapon. I would say 3 years and a lifetime driving suspension is in order.
I don't think overtaking a slower car qualifies as "acting like a clown".

An earlier report that the rider was charged with crossing the double yellow line is apparently incorrect because in Texas, it is legal to overtake across a double yellow line on a rural road if the other vehicle is going slower than 45 mph. (I don't have the actual law to quote, but it's not the only state that has a slow-moving-vehicle exception for crossing the double yellow.) The speed limit on that two-lane road is 65 mph. The rider claims that the other vehicle was going 40 mph and was slowing down (potentially in an attempt to bait the rider into overtaking). Obviously there's no way to prove that. Still ... It was a clear pass with plenty of visibility.

I would have likely done the same under the same conditions.
It looks like there's a hill. I don't believe that your supposed to pass just before a hill, which is probably why there are double lines there. It sounded like the motorcyclist didn't have a motorcycle license and was charged for that and the pass. Driver was later charged for his part in it. I'm not sure how people here can tell the various speeds from the video. Some appear to be judging based upon previous convictions. I hope others won't do the same to you.
this is ridiculous. If I get stung by an insect I don't swerve into another lane, I pull over to the side of the road. clearly this guy is a nut job.
this is ridiculous. If I get stung by an insect I don't swerve into another lane, I pull over to the side of the road. clearly this guy is a nut job.

Different people react differently to and have different tolerances to different types of pain stimuli. People have been known to swerve and crash from a just a sneeze, let alone from teh distraction arising from an insect bite or sting.

I can see the possibility of a person swerving after being stung or bitten by an insect and it's been known to happen.

The question in this case would be if such a bite or sting actually happened or not.
If that's how he reacts to being stung by a bug he shouldn't be driving.
In Ontario (as mentioned) it is legal to pass on a single or double solid 'Yellow' line... 'Provided' it is 'Safe' to do so. In Ontario it is illegal to cross a solid 'White' line... Yet so many drivers cross the solid white. Most people choose to ingore, or are just plain ignorant of the rules of the road.

Here is a pic for you... recently taken in Mississauga. All the cars are parked at the side of the road. Then, you have a solid white, a bike lane, and then another solid white...


How the heck does this work 'Legally'????

The world is so facked up!

Edit: Ah okay... there is a provision for bicycle lanes... A driver may cross a bike path solid white line for the purpose of entering, or exiting a parking space...
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In Ontario (as mentioned) it is legal to pass on a single or double solid 'Yellow' line... 'Provided' it is 'Safe' to do so. In Ontario it is illegal to cross a solid 'White' line... Yet so many drivers cross the solid white. Most people choose to ingore, or are just plain ignorant of the rules of the road.

Here is a pic for you... recently taken in Mississauga. All the cars are parked at the side of the road. Then, you have a solid white, a bike lane, and then another solid white...

How the heck does this work 'Legally'????

The world is so facked up!

Ontario is not very good at writing laws nor of consistently enforcing them nor of planning for situations like this. Engineering principles aren't applied properly, and not even simple logic is applied properly.

If the intent is for a solid white line to be "do not ever cross this line" then the layout of the road should be designed so that it is not necessary to cross it! If that means the bike lane should be on the other side of the parking lane ... so be it. If that means the bike lane should have dotted lines to allow crossing it ... so be it. If that means an exception should be written into law ... so be it.

There are PLENTY of other examples.

HTA prohibits a vehicle from producing "intermittent flashes of red light" and writes in an exception for four-way flashers. What about cars that have red rear turn signals? Those produce "intermittent flashes of red light" just as well as four-way flashers do. By the way the law is written, the car that I own now is illegal, as was the one I owned before it. (That turn signals really ought to all be amber, front or rear, as required everywhere else in the world outside North America, is quite another matter. But if the feds allow red rear turn signals then the provincial laws shouldn't make them illegal.) I fully realize that no cop in his right mind would ever apply this law in this manner (and most of their own cop cars violate this law "as written").

No-passing zones ... Now and again, one will see a "no passing" sign. In THAT situation, overtaking is illegal - the lane markings might not be written into law, but signs sure are. Now ... Where are the cancellation-of-restriction signs? When is overtaking once again allowed? For a counter example ... go to Germany. They are absolutely diligent about properly signing not only where a restriction starts, but also where the restriction is cancelled. School zones are similar - some of them do have cancellation signs, but others (including a big one near my house) sure don't.

P.S. I'm not so sure that the HTA so explicitly prevents crossing a white line. If there is such a restriction, please cite the section and clause. s. 151(5) prohibits driving on a "paved shoulder" (but without describing how a "paved shoulder" is identified!), and s. 154(1) covers HOV lane markings, but I can't find any general statement prohibiting anyone from crossing ANY road marking ...
Fortunately this happened in Texas and not in hug-a-thug Ontario. I don't think the perp will ever drive or put on a suit without a number, again.
If the driver truly got stung and accidentally swerved, hitting the rider. I would think his first words would be " I'm so sorry, I got stung by a bee and freaked out" not " I DONT CARE".
I rest my case Your Honour.

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