York Regional Police Needs Your Help - Caught in the Act

The charity scam guy look at a like Timmay. Anyone else see the resemblance?

Surly you jest... that guy in the picture is walking...... we all know with Timmay's injuries he was never going to walk again....
Thread turned into FTP in five posts, a little slow.

This is why door to door or street side soliciting of donations was never a good idea, it is so very easy to fake 'credentials' and lay on the exact same guilt trip the real organizations do. I'm getting annoyed with this company called Public Outreach that likes to do this in the city ... they'll set up people representing a few different orgs on the same street, so you get hit up by multiple people as you walk along. And even their badges and binders look phony.
I wonder if that's an accurate statement. Is it crime, or our justice system and financial institutions doing the inflating? It would be nice to know what the actual total losses incurred due to crime are, verses what we pay as a society in crime prevention. The numbers have to be close when you consider salaries for judges, court reporters, cops, jail gaurds, jails, prosecuting attorneys, court houses, cop shops, housing and feeding criminals (especially when people are jailed for crimes with no actual material or financial loss to anyone in the community...ie drug charges). I think the justice sytem is broken, someone needs to come up with a better solution.

two major things wrong with this post. there are victims for drug offences, the people that crack heads rip off to afford the drugs, e.g robberies, break and enters, etc etc. theres also what crack types do when there on the drug which creates victims.

secondly - how can you put a price on someones life? without police murder rates and many other bodily harm offences would shoot up. your assuming that serving the public is all about protecting their money which it is not. .
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