Yet Another M Test Question


Well-known member
My M test eligibility, as per, starts on Oct 21, 2024.

I'm trying to see if I can find a slot on their site within GTA and so far all are greyed out. Is it that I'm too early to book the slot or does the Drivetest not do M tests so late in the season?

What about schools? Do they conduct M2X classes that late in the season? I don't see any availability at mtoHP (now MTO - Motorcycle Training Organization Inc. - Learn to Ride from the Professionals) in late October.

I want to complete my M test this year so I can tick off a milestone as a newcomer and be done with licencing requirements altogether in the province. 🙂 I'm just anxious and impatient is all.
Is it that I'm too early to book the slot or does the Drivetest not do M tests so late in the season?
It could be both. Unsure if they do testing by end of October, but also it could be that you're not yet eligible.

I'd avoid going through school, unless you really want advanced training from instructors. The test is the same, and no benefits to insurance.

The only point to getting full M (other than not letting M2 expire) is demo rides and having a beer.
My M test eligibility, as per, starts on Oct 21, 2024.

I'm trying to see if I can find a slot on their site within GTA and so far all are greyed out. Is it that I'm too early to book the slot or does the Drivetest not do M tests so late in the season?

What about schools? Do they conduct M2X classes that late in the season? I don't see any availability at mtoHP (now MTO - Motorcycle Training Organization Inc. - Learn to Ride from the Professionals) in late October.

I want to complete my M test this year so I can tick off a milestone as a newcomer and be done with licencing requirements altogether in the province. 🙂 I'm just anxious and impatient is all.
Probably depends on the school. Some schools post availability farther ahead then others .

Ministry Transportation Ontario site is a disaster.
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I'm not sure if things have changed since I did mine ages ago. But my insurance people have asked me if I did a course for my M2 and if I had a completion certificate, which I provided them. I couldn't tell you if it meant anything, but I was told it did. benefits to insurance.
My M test eligibility, as per, starts on Oct 21, 2024.

I'm trying to see if I can find a slot on their site within GTA and so far all are greyed out. Is it that I'm too early to book the slot or does the Drivetest not do M tests so late in the season?

What about schools? Do they conduct M2X classes that late in the season? I don't see any availability at mtoHP (now MTO - Motorcycle Training Organization Inc. - Learn to Ride from the Professionals) in late October.

I want to complete my M test this year so I can tick off a milestone as a newcomer and be done with licencing requirements altogether in the province. 🙂 I'm just anxious and impatient is all.

I remember that last year, the actual date when I could take my M test was either Feb or Mar. I was checking daily the slots available to take the test. Then, I found out this in the DriveTest website.


Based on that, maybe, you are out of luck for this year.

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