;) Yay an other female passes the M2!!!

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Sam, your new profile pic should bring out the leg humpers in droves.
awweeee :D your soo sweet muffin ;)
bring em on, i can handle it
Maybe you can but I'm old-fashioned (and just plain old) enough to think young ladies should go home and put some clothes on before appearing in public. :)
Maybe you can but I'm old-fashioned (and just plain old) enough to think young ladies should go home and put some clothes on before appearing in public. :)
oh i see how it is, ouchhhhh
and a corset is clothes i think, and pvc is for playing inside anddd outside of the bedroom
Maybe you can but I'm old-fashioned (and just plain old) enough to think young ladies should go home and put some clothes on before appearing in public. :)

oh dear. Opa she is a brave little one! Just hope no creepers start showing up at her door.
Awe muffin:( So sad went home on my lunch to go for a ride and it started to rain. So I'm back to work again.
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