Won't happen until laws change and young riders can't hop on a SS bike from the get-go.
Arguably if licensing remained the same, and insurance was cheaper, you'd have even more jumping on a 100hp bike and crashing it within their first year of riding. Also, anyone who knows the risks that come with riding without insurance and does so anyway needs their head examined, or they are an active competitor for the Darwin Award.
How old are your friends and what bikes are they trying to get. If they are around 25 and looking at a 250, rates shouldn't be unreasonable, even if they live downtown or in Brampton. Of course, this also only applies if they have a clean record (no tickets and no at fault claims) of course.
Also don't kid yourself...insurance companies are anything but stupid when it comes to money. They set rates on what profits they wish to make, and sure if they lowered rates to $1000 or less they might get your 10 friends...but each might cost them $1,000,000 from putting a CBR1000RR into a wall.