Yahoo Fantasy Hockey Pool, Draft this Monday @7pm

:lmao: I just looked at the standings :lmao:

Hey Hey,

this match up goes for 2 weeks, I have time to get back in it, but right now vaseline would really help lol :D
Let attempt to start this up again.

Draft is Tuesday October 7th at 7pm.
You can live draft or autodraft.
Sign up asap!
Title of thread is misleading, because it's from another year. The draft is TUESDAY Oct 7th at 7:00pm.
Title of thread is misleading, because it's from another year. The draft is TUESDAY Oct 7th at 7:00pm.
I realized that after I posted it, but I think we have used this thread for the last 3 seasons lol
Bumping as we have at least 2 spots that would love to filled.

Draft is tonight, You can live draft or autodraft.

There has to be some Leafs fans here that want to know what your team winning feels like..... :)
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