State leader quits ACLU after daughters were ‘visibly frightened’ by men using women’s restroom
ATLANTA, May 31, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) – The African-American woman who leads a state chapter of the ACLU has resigned, citing her own daughters' “frightened” reaction to biological males using the women's restroom.
The organization's increasing focus on legislating the transgender lobby's concerns pushed Maya Dillard Smith, interim director of the Georgia chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union, to tender her resignation.
“I have shared my personal experience of having taken my elementary school age daughters into a women’s restroom when shortly after three transgender young adults, over six feet [tall] with deep voices, entered,” she wrote.
“My children were visibly frightened, concerned about their safety and left asking lots of questions for which I, like many parents, was ill-prepared to answer,” she continued.
In a statement, she said that the ACLU has become “a special interest organization that promotes not all, but certain progressive rights.”
The “hierarchy of rights” the ACLU chooses to defend or ignore, she wrote, is “based on who is funding the organization’s lobbying activities." She did not elaborate on the group's funding.
Dillard Smith is no conservative. She earned a degree in economics from Berkeley and a masters degree at Harvard, while working for the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals and the California Supreme Court.
She is a 2003 graduate of the program Emerge America, which states its “goal is clear: to increase the number of Democratic women in public office.”
But this self-described “progressive” who called herself “unapologetically black” cannot go along with the ACLU's transgender legal agenda.
Georgia was one of first 11 states suing the Obama administration over its controversial federal guidance requiring public schools and universities to allow transgender students to use the restrooms, showers, and overnight accommodations of the opposite biological sex.
The ACLU's North Carolina chapter is suing Gov. Pat McCrory for signing H.B. 2, which requires individuals use the restroom of the biological sex noted on their birth certificates in the lawsuit Carcano v. McCrory.
Not surprisingly, transgender activists are not amused by Dillard Smith’s position.
“She did the right thing leaving the organization If she couldn’t defend our rights any better than that, she deserves to leave – she doesn’t need to be in that position,” Cheryl Courtney-Evans, of TILTT, told APN.
“I never went in a men’s room since I’ve been living my truth. What am I doing in a men’s room looking as luscious as I am, putting myself in danger?” she said.
Meme to the rescue, well that settles it!
You seem to have trouble with logic, so memes it is.
Could you answer my questions tho? How does one "get" children if they don't adopt? (aside from the normal hetero way which of course doesn't apply to this special interest group....)
Didn't you watch Loonie Toons? It's via stork.....duh....
I don't know where all these generalisations come from. I was pointing out the flaw in logic of calling backmarkerducati a bigot for pointing out bigotry, according to the definition of the word.Yes, that is the self-defeating irony of the "tolerance" bigotry argument. If one is truly tolerant they would welcome and accept dissension, but they aren't just "pointing it out". The gay movement has stubborn and complete intolerance of anybody that not only doesn't accept their lifestyle and law changing demands, and there is a strong undertone of needing to actively support their gay lifestyle to "prove" we're okay with their choices.
You are making an assertion that the gay rights movement is correct. Why is the gay movement infallibly correct and therefore not subjected to your posted definition of bigotry, but the anti-gay marriage/ gender fluid group is? Who is the arbiter of that?
And as you've noted, since gay marriage has been the law of the land for a decade, this lends further credence to my noting that they don't want equality but ultimately suppressive control. On the surface said special interest group at times will say all they want is to be equal and to be left alone. Well, they got their perverse gay marriage law, but they didn't stop there. We see continue changes or attempted changes to other laws such Justins latest gender fluid bills, Wynne's adoption law changes, Sex-Ed curriculum (glad to see Wynne is getting grief from a lot of parents on that one) etc.
There is no logical reason why 1.2% of the countries population should be given the grossly disproportionate amount of political or social "air time" they get. It's a political and control agenda and they will never stop. They are methodically advancing their agenda until people like me who oppose their agenda can and will be sanctioned severely.
And that's the thing about the "tolerant left", they are just as, or more intolerant than the "bigots" they label.
I am pretty sure he did not watch Loonie Toons, Bugs Bunny dressing up like a girl probably freaked him right out.
So, to get back to my point. The 30% who voted to pursue restrictions against gay marriage are bigots, and pointing it out isn't bigotry. That is all.
I don't know where all these generalisations come from. I was pointing out the flaw in logic of calling backmarkerducati a bigot for pointing out bigotry, according to the definition of the word.
This may be about the "gay movement", suppression, control, rights, and all those broad brush notions for you, but it's not for me. Those types of arguments are impossible to discuss rationally because there is no explicit, definite, demonstrable arguments that can be attributed to the "movement". It's easy to label a box 'bad' and lump people into it who you disagree with but it's not necessarily an accurate reflection of reality. Understanding reality is usually hard. In fact our understanding is always imperfect. If your boxes filled with 'good' and 'bad' notions give you the impression of having a perfect conception of the world around you, you are deluding yourself.
So, to get back to my point. The 30% who voted to pursue restrictions against gay marriage are bigots, and pointing it out isn't bigotry. That is all.
Can I marry a donkey?
I disagree. His pointing out that 30% are bigots is based on 2 things, one is the notion that "they" are wrong (why do the progressives get to define right/wrong?) [No one does. Research 'culture'], and the other is that "their" being wrong is 1950's which is being intolerant [he's not trying to stop anything] of their supposedly "1950's" views []. But it didn't stop there, he then further indicated they shouldn't have voted that way and labeled them being oppressive [He clearly never said any such thing: ]. Put these all together and you have........bigotry.
Well they did vote that way and good for them, I support the 30% (and it's probably a lot more but they are just towing the party lines...)
In terms of the movement, why don't we trace just a few of the ever advancing steps they are taking:
1. Gay Marriage
2. Special Protection under Hate laws
3. New "identities" that somehow require definition and now further protections
4. Bathroom laws
5. Sex Ed curriculum
6. And on and on
[... too much facepalm]
The LGBT movement doesn't just want to live their lives and be left alone [they do, as much as anyone else], they want to force the 98%+ majority to accept and celebrate it [yup, party or die...!] (as evidenced by the article I posted [broken link]). If the "bigots" don't comply, they want severe sanctions [as is standard for human rights violations].
I dont really understand why we care, who marries who. Maybe there is even a smaller percentage of divorce within the gay community.
@inreb, if you got caught having sex with a donkey in Indonesia you would indeed be forced to marry the donkey, then they would drown it in the ocean to purge the evil spirits. We can learn a lot from Indonesia and the village elders.
If there is a separation of church and state then why is the government involved in marriage?
There's so much questionable content in your reply, I really can't fathom the energy to try and seek clarification when you can't even concede your simplest misuse of the term 'bigot'. I can see such a discussion easily degrade into a series of dead-end biblical quotations. I'll just highlight the problems I have and why, and let you go on with your one-man rant about the people in your 'evil' box.
There's so much questionable content in your reply, I really can't fathom the energy to try and seek clarification when you can't even concede your simplest misuse of the term 'bigot'.
noun: bigotry; plural noun: bigotries
intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself.