Genuine question should small businesses be treated so that it's fair for employees and employers while paying a fair share of taxes to the province? long as it's the same hourly wage. PT still don't qualify for the benefits that most FT do still getting less in the long run.Requiring employers to pay their part-time workers the same as full-time workers doing similar jobs.
Genuine question should small businesses be treated so that it's fair for employees and employers while paying a fair share of taxes to the province?
YEAH!!! How the **** are we supposed to get ahead when we can no longer ensure that our employees can't!! LOCK HER UP!!! LOCK HER UP!!!
- Making paid sick days mandatory.
- Boosting the minimum required paid vacation to three weeks per year from the current two weeks.
- Lowering the threshold at which overtime pay must kick in to 40 hours, down from the current 44 hours.
- Abolishing the lower minimum wage for students under 18 and people who serve alcohol.
- Requiring employers to pay their part-time workers the same as full-time workers doing similar jobs.
Many student jobs fill an important place, they fill a spot while the other guys get vacation. They can take a project the other guys just dont have time for, you can have them show something new if they have any leadership skills.
Insisting they get the same wage as a full time guy? who determines if its the same work? the province? Union rep? slippery slope
....Me, I'm lucky... I have a job that nobody wants. Lol.
I've got a brother who drives trucks. Not transport/semi rigs... Dump trucks mostly.
He's probably a good driver, but... Frankly, anyone can drive a truck and that's why he's never had what I'd call steady employment.
I don't see this as helping them get ahead. I do think paid sick days are a good incentive. Three weeks paid vacay wont help anybody get ahead, it will take another few hundred per person off the bottom line. It may encourage owners to try to make do with less people.
part time vs. a full time wage? if your a manufacturer using the part time guy to avoid benefits and perks then yes, Fred putting a peg in a hole should earn what Joe earns if its done to the same level.
What if you bring on a third yr uni student for 4 months, that wont stay and Fred has been with you for a decade full time. You should get to decide what is a suitable wage not the province.
I always loved hearing the lunch crew banter, the three owners all drive 7 series Bmw's , went on another cruise and own more than one house...... yeah because they financed this place where your sitting enjoying your pizza, hold all the risk and liabilities and pay all the fines if you stick your fingers in a punch press. There should be no reward for being a business owner and investor, you should be happy the province lets you operate at all.
If it pays $$$, somebody will take it from you.