
This is pretty close to my experience on online dating sites. Didn't know there was a term for this!

1. Make an account and start messaging chicks
2. Quickly realize that the ratio is squeued in favor of woman, many of the attractive chicks are fake accounts, or are only on the site for an ego boost, the rest are ugly and/or have inflated egos
3. After a few days of complete failure and lack of progress lower standards a bit to widen your net
4. Score a date with a chick that is below your usual standards but at this point you'll take what you can get and are happy just to get a date. Tell her you're excited to meet her, sweet talk her, etc. because you genuinely are at this point.
5. Meet up with her in a public place, suddenly you compare her to the chicks around you and realize she's not a dime, you're embarrassed to be seen with her,....blow her off and never call her again or fawk and chuck since you already did ALL THIS WORK to get the date

The results:

Guy: Well....I'm embarrassed about the whole ordeal but at least I got to play with some chick's tits/got laid/made out/etc. Oh well, next...
Girl: Guys are asholes; he was super nice to me and suddenly he wants nothing to do with me? What happened? He was probably just after sex.

I might have to go all RockerGuy on you man.... <i'm starting to fall for you honesty and insight > and not in a ghey way.
What do I want to do next??

The guy on bottom is gay, the guy on top is only getting his skin.
Whats wrong with the classic 1-10 scale? Whats the difference between the average "hmmm ok" and "beautiful" person?
It used to be eye contact. I guess the standard is getting lower.

It used to be "If you're not pushing=gay"
How times have changed <<shrug>>
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