WTH is in my oil filter?

Im also of the opinion that it did not come from the oil filter. Usually, there is no hard plastic in the oil filter.

Conversely,I also have a hard time believing that pieces that big would make it thru the strainer in the oil pickup tube in the oil pan....unless there happens to be no strainer ???

Im wondering if its possible the pieces came from the oil pump. I have never heard of it before, but is it possible the oil pump has plastic gears?

General Motors once used a plastic coating on their camshaft gears, mostly to reduce gear noise. This plastic would eventually fail and pieces would end up in the oil pan. I have also seen (Plastic ) valve seals go hard and brittle over time and eventually end up in the oil pan.

Your prob already doing this, but be sure to find the source before putting it back together. Good luck! Let us know what u find!
I'm looking forward to seeing what's in the oil pan and under the valve covers.
Im also of the opinion that it did not come from the oil filter. Usually, there is no hard plastic in the oil filter.

Rubber anti-drainback valve.

Well, it looks like the anti-drainback valve is in one piece. I wonder if the screen for the oil pickup could have failed? Maybe that's a part of the pickup itself.

Good job with taking the filter apart, maybe try a bit of puzzle solving and re-assemble the pieces of plastic into their original shape? :P
Maybe that's a part of the pickup itself.

I didn't realize that those pieces were hard plastic. What TwistedKestrel said would be my next guess. Seems like it's been pre-digested by the transmission too... :P
If Suzuki uses a plastic oil pickup intake grill, so prone to heat and chemical fatigue that it breaks up into pieces that can otherwise interfere with lubing journals and the filter itself, on a 10 year old bike that almost for sure doesn't have a lot of miles on it, I couldn't be much less impressed.

Of course we don't know this yet at this point..
Rubber anti-drainback valve.

I agree. It definitely looks like the anti-drain back valve, but he said it is hard plastic. Unless the filter is really old, and exposed to alot of heat, the drain back valve shouldnt have gone that hard.

This thread has me real curious as to the problem.

Not sure its related, but found this thread on plastic oil pump drive gears used in 01 SV650'S. There is also a link to a pic.

I don't see any way for plastic oil pump gear pieces to get into the pressure passage downstream of the oil pump. Any big pieces would have to get past the screen on the inlet of the oil pump. Same goes for cam chain guide pieces.

I'm also rather interested to see what's in the oil pan ...
In the link I posted (two above), a substantial sized piece of clutch spring (about 1/2 circle), made it thru the screen in the pick up tube, and up into the oil pump. This jammed the oil pump and caused the plastic gear to break.

Having said this, I find it hard to believe this fellows bike would pass those large pieces thru the screen, thru the oil pump, and into the filter.

Still wondering if there is a chance there may be plastic gears or bushings inside the oil pump itself...which may be failing.
When was the last time the filter was changed? It's hard to imagine chunks of anything as big as these getting past the inlet screen.....
The conclusion cause I guess the OP forgot to post it cause he doesn't love us GTAM peeps:

Cliff notes:

Four years ago OP lowsided, got radiator leak, put in too much "stop leak" stuff clogging his radiator lines making his bike run hot. During a 4 day 8hr/day road trip the bike overheated causing the epoxy on the stator magnets to dislodge and somehow end up in his oil filter. It's not clear how the epoxy made it past the oil pickup screen at this point, but the oil filter *appears* to have stopped the epoxy chunks from circulating through the engine. Possible damage to just the oil pump and pickup screen.

Tovar's right on the money. It's the epoxy from the rotors:

Took out the bolt opposite of the drain bolt and there was epoxy on it too:

There was another big chunk inside I couldn't get to. I ended up pushing it in more. The strainer that I could see was not ripped.

Disconnected the coolant bypass hose in order to remove clutch cover, to inspect oil pump. The coolant hose was completely blocked with gunk Then I remembered:

four years ago I had a lowside that resulted in radiator leak. I put this crap to stop the leak:

I suspect either the product is crap, or I put too much, or rad still leaked leaving the pellet residue in the hose? I dunno.

The engine overheated due to cooling problems during a 4day@8hr/day road trip.

-Jamie M.
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