WTF near Dundas and Dixie

Not that it really matters as I side with the OP...but when was the last time you saw any onboard video of the rear corner of a
And this is the reason why I will never support lane-splitting...

you don't have to be honest with us, but be honest with yourself at least...the reason you will "never" support lane-splitting is because you probably know on some level you will never be a good enough rider to do it safely.

it's so sad to see such anti-rider rhetoric from one of our own
Lady (passenger) opens the door into the car, hits the rental car, doesn't open wide enough, so she decides to shove the door another 3-5 times as hard as she can as if she could push the car farther away with her door... I was... Speechless...

Worst I've witnessed was when I was a kid waiting in the back of the car for my parents to finish shopping. Some older guy with a shopping cart tried to fit between our car and the one next to us and failed at the mirrors. Instead of backing up and going around a different way, he just starting cursing and ramming the two of us, until he bent the mirrors enough to fit through with his cart.

Also, although not as bad, I really hate people who don't respect other people's property. I can't count the number of times I've seen someone put a purse, or drink, on top of another person's car while opening their own door. Sure, 99% of the population won't care, but those who do (like me), would be insanely ****** off. Same can be said to people who think it is ok to sit on someone else's motorcycle, or park their bike so close to others that there is no way they got off without scratching or bumping the one parked beside them.

As for the tail light, hopefully it was a lower end/cheaper car...some of the higher end ones or ones that use LEDs for tails are NOT cheap to replace...even the ones on my Accord are $500 a side.
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plenty of ppl hate bikes for various reasons, but what was done was done. damage is minimal, the guy kept it upright which what counts

wife (was driving the car) gave me a quick lecture but nothing some beer/wine woun't fix

well! ... back at it boys - is hot, humid, chicks are up and about soaking up the sun, road is hot and bikes go brum brum ... yup (i will deny i wrote this if wife sees it)

wtf- the important thing is he kept it up?
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Boils my piss just reading this. The Lack of respect for other people's property in today's society is astounding.

Some people are considerate--you rarely notice them--and others are oblivious or malicious dolts. I doubt human behaviour has changed much over the centuries. I get the frustration though. Someone rammed into my parked car years ago and took off. Nobody on the street saw anything, remarkably. Cops didn't care one bit. The insurance company was equally unenthusiastic. So tell me why I'm paying taxes and premiums again? Oh right. No choice!
Boils my piss just reading this. The Lack of respect for other people's property in today's society is astounding.

Same thing happened to me in a CT parking lot. Middle aged white lady (the most entitled group by far) parks next to me and opens the door of her late model luxury car into my door on the passenger side. I get out and go around and ask her wtf is she doing. At first she pretends she doesn't know what I'm talking about, then eventually just shrugged her shoulders and walked away. Some white knight came over to tell me it wasn't too bad too. I just shook my head and said I couldn't believe at her age she hadn't learned much.
You handled that we'll.. I know side mirrors would be missing should that happen to some people ;-)
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So why hasn't this been reported as a hit and run yet? By saying nothing you have supported it.
You handled that we'll.. I know side mirrors would be missing should that happen to some people
Well my trucks 15 years old and has been used as a truck so it's not like it really made a big difference anyway, her reaction just irritated me. If she had have been like, oh my god I'm so sorry or whatever, I likely would have smiled and said not a big deal. But the absolute indifference of damaging someone elses property blew me away.

If I was in my wife's car it would have been a different story, no matter her reaction.
And this is the reason why I will never support lane-splitting...

And my doing it in California with no problems is why I will always support it.

Try something where it's legal before you get an opinion.
I saw youtube has a blur effect so i added it for giggles (hear the thunk/thud)... guy kept it up right (kudos really)

All is well, overall i guess lesson learned is - if the bike hits at least say sorry with the hope the driver understands if not, deal with the consequence. Keep rubber side down and enjoy. At some point in time everyone makes mistakes but we should be understanding; don't take it upon yourself and go ball out Carmageddon on all 2 wheels you see on the road just because they could all be bad (awesome game by the way).

if done properly filtering is ok however Ontario/Canada on average does not have proper programs in place to deal with driver/rider training. europe is much better, road design is much better, laws are better understood. go drive in germany and then come back to toronto - i swear to god you would want to kill everyone within 1 square km around you.

On these roads you have various people form different cultures driving and riding their own way. patience is none due to poorly managed traffic lights and roadways.
Cheers guys! :occasion5:
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Boils my piss just reading this. The Lack of respect for other people's property in today's society is astounding.

Same thing happened to me in a CT parking lot. Middle aged white lady (the most entitled group by far) parks next to me and opens the door of her late model luxury car into my door on the passenger side. I get out and go around and ask her wtf is she doing. At first she pretends she doesn't know what I'm talking about, then eventually just shrugged her shoulders and walked away. Some white knight came over to tell me it wasn't too bad too. I just shook my head and said I couldn't believe at her age she hadn't learned much.

Yep. It's everywhere.

I was in Oakville beside some grocery store; my girlfriend was still in the car while I was inside the store. As I was coming out, I notice that my girlfriend was outside the driver's side door and it was not until I was much closer that I realize that she was talking to the car park beside mine. She had approached them because they (or at least, the son) had opened up the door into my door. They were disrespecting her and trying to blow her off until they realized I entered the equation and their tone of voice suddenly changed. They were like "oh, yea, maybe we did that and it's not really that bad, don't worry about it". I proceeded to tell them why I "should worry about it" and they tried to argue otherwise. The moment I asked the son and his father, "what if I did this to your car?" they retorted "we wouldn't car if I was our car" and I was like "yes, I can clearly see that given the state your car is in", with all it's scratches and rust.

Anyway, inevitably I told the son to get into the store and get me $20 (which I felt was low considering my time and the small paint chip I needed to fix on the car door-handle) or the situation would get a lot worse. He came back quickly and said he couldn't get change and only had a $50. I said, "you go and get me my $20" and he proceeded to find another store. I probably should have taken the $50 but in reality, I had much more enjoyment making him realize what it is like when you are a dick to someone.

People these days are just outright hypocritical or have no sense of morality. Damage their stuff and it's raging fire but they damage your stuff and oh it's just a piece of dust.
Well my trucks 15 years old and has been used as a truck so it's not like it really made a big difference anyway, her reaction just irritated me. If she had have been like, oh my god I'm so sorry or whatever, I likely would have smiled and said not a big deal. But the absolute indifference of damaging someone elses property blew me away.

If I was in my wife's car it would have been a different story, no matter her reaction.
Yes, the reaction of how the other person handles the situation is what gets under the skin for sure. Surprisingly that's the type of attitude I'd expect from some punk kid, trailer trash chick or similar not the little old lady.
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We had one situation up in Newmarket - I was sitting in my wife's volvo while she was in a store. Young couple parked beside and the wind helped her door make a medium sized dent in our door. She apologized, gave her info. We had a dentless repair done, $150 IIRC, and she promptly paid in cash.
Accidents are one thing. Dooshbags are another. I always tell the kids to be careful when opening doors, another advantage that I miss about the minivan.
OP, you're a much better man than I.

Sent from my custom purple Joe Bass mobile device using Tapatalk
you don't have to be honest with us, but be honest with yourself at least...the reason you will "never" support lane-splitting is because you probably know on some level you will never be a good enough rider to do it safely

it's so sad to see such anti-rider rhetoric from one of our own

Sheesh...could you be any more F'n sanctimonious?

It's sad to see such a douchey comment from one of our own.

OP..the rider needs a lesson in personal responsibility - even if they don't charge him for anything related to the filtering they should be charging him with something related to the hit and run, which is effectively what it was. Are you sure it wasn't intentional because he took offence to something you might have did earlier, or perhaps you weren't centered in your lane properly impeding his "right of way" through the cars? I find it hard to believe, as someone else mentioned, that some part of the bike unintentionally hit your car hard enough to shatter a taillight and he didn't loose control and crash.

Either that, or perhaps as unFazed suggests, he is some elite skillz rider who is able to impact a vehicle intentionally with his own while still maintaining control. Like that cool video we saw posted here a few months back where the boy racer knocked a mirror off on a guardrail and everyone on YouTube thought it was kewl and awesome, leet skills dood. :rolleyes:
Not giving the rider **** for damaging your property because you ride is like saying, "It's okay you side swiped me because you drive the same car".

it would be hit and run - I cut the video because she was in slow traffic since le chateau area (usually the costco traffic everyone has come to love)

the light is not shattered - is more of a quarter size hole in the plastic cover. I think it was of him evading something and then bumping the side of the car - have no idea id not have a camera at the back and knowing my wife she usually is more attentive to riders as I told her some do filter between cars
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No matter the circumstances...he was involved in a collision due to his actions and didn't stop. There's no way he didn't realize he hit you. You're willing to cut him slack from a hit and run just because he's a rider vs a cager? Or because the damage wasn't extensive?

Sorry, but someone damages my vehicle, I'd be wanting a resolution, friendly and outside insurance is fine if they stopped and owned up to it...but no mercy for hit and run dbags. If this clown is ok with hit and runs he's going to do it again and the next guy could make out much worse.
you don't have to be honest with us, but be honest with yourself at least...the reason you will "never" support lane-splitting is because you probably know on some level you will never be a good enough rider to do it safely.

it's so sad to see such anti-rider rhetoric from one of our own

I don't know you and I won't comment on your riding... you should take something from that... and as I DO know veteq, and I can comment on his riding I will assure you, you're wrong.

FWIW, I would be ok with splitting, and I accept that sometimes people have differing opinions; get a grip
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