WTF near Dundas and Dixie


Well-known member
The bloody hell man ... I am pi**ed more so as I am a rider and on principle of you being a d**k

My wife was driving on Dundas near Dixie (close to the Costco) and this guy filters (which I am fine with in principle) and hits the car, braking the right stoplight - he then speeds as if nothing happens.

I am not too pi**ed about the brake light being busted, I am aggravated that a fellow rider is being a f-ing douc*e and not owning up to his mistake. I hope he sees this and has some remorse - yes i do have a video and while I may not show it or post it anywhere now, if I do get drunk it will be a fair game then.


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LOL...NICE POST! Everybody is different...I am similar to you. It's not the damage that's the lack of character. Sad to say, but it is far too common these days. Not a credit to fellow riders for sure. What vehicle was your wife driving?
people are people whether it's 2 or 4 wheels
he probably had no insurance either
sucks but nothing you can do except add a dashcam for the next time
This really hits home. It blows my mind how many nice cars are out there. A deep scratch or actual ding reflects poorly on all the occupants but especially the owner. A lease is no excuse for driving a dingfest if that's what you're thinking.
This really hits home. It blows my mind how many nice cars are out there. A deep scratch or actual ding reflects poorly on all the occupants but especially the owner. A lease is no excuse for driving a dingfest if that's what you're thinking.

I lease but I still like to try and keep my truck as mint as possible for the 4 years I have it, and it makes me feel good that whoever gets it after me is going to get a well taken care of vehicle with low KM and little or no damage.

I will never forget when I got my first lease, It was the 2nd day driving it, I parked in a parking spot and was sitting in the truck. Guy pulls in the spot beside me and opens his door into mine, and he put a little dent in the body line. I get out and Im like are you serious Im sitting in the car and you do that, he looks at it and starts telling me its not that bad, I am like WTF you mean its not that bad? I just got this yesterday!

Hurts more when someone else ****s up your ****.....
What about the people that live downtown that park on the street every day and night?
ding, ding, dent, lol
The bloody hell man ... I am pi**ed more so as I am a rider and on principle of you being a d**k

My wife was driving on Dundas near Dixie (close to the Costco) and this guy filters (which I am fine with in principle) and hits the car, braking the right stoplight - he then speeds as if nothing happens.

I am not too pi**ed about the brake light being busted, I am aggravated that a fellow rider is being a f-ing douc*e and not owning up to his mistake. I hope he sees this and has some remorse - yes i do have a video and while I may not show it or post it anywhere now, if I do get drunk it will be a fair game then.


people are people whether it's 2 or 4 wheels
he probably had no insurance either
sucks but nothing you can do except add a dashcam for the next time

Were you referring to the OP, or the person that got hit?
He did also say he had it on video.

On a side note, there is going to be another person on the road that hates motorcyclists and will probably want to take it out on the next person filtering.
plenty of ppl hate bikes for various reasons, but what was done was done. damage is minimal, the guy kept it upright which what counts

wife (was driving the car) gave me a quick lecture but nothing some beer/wine woun't fix

well! ... back at it boys - is hot, humid, chicks are up and about soaking up the sun, road is hot and bikes go brum brum ... yup (i will deny i wrote this if wife sees it)
This makes me sad...I advocate filtering even where it isn't legal but come on just stop and at least offer up some cash or something if you legit run into someone's car.

People can be surprisingly cool about these things, I haven't run into anyone straight up but a helmet I had attached to my bike put a scuff mark on someone's car when I was in the learning phase of filtering (I forgot it was there). I stopped and offered to exchange information and pay to have a dentless removal place polish it out the lady just said "nah don't even worry about it" and that was that.
depending on the car a taillight lens can be a couple hundred bucks, and he was looking a 'following to close', maybe whatever the filtering ticket is and a couple hundred in fines if somebody called police.
Plain and simple he's a dick.

and if you return a leased car full of dings and dents , your paying for the damage. a lease isnt a get out of damage free card
And this is the reason why I will never support lane-splitting...

really?? that's why?? everything else about lane splitting you're ok with??

depending on the car a taillight lens can be a couple hundred bucks, and he was looking a 'following to close', maybe whatever the filtering ticket is and a couple hundred in fines if somebody called police.

Police could even lay HTA 172 stunt driving.
I lease but I still like to try and keep my truck as mint as possible for the 4 years I have it, and it makes me feel good that whoever gets it after me is going to get a well taken care of vehicle with low KM and little or no damage.

I will never forget when I got my first lease, It was the 2nd day driving it, I parked in a parking spot and was sitting in the truck. Guy pulls in the spot beside me and opens his door into mine, and he put a little dent in the body line. I get out and Im like are you serious Im sitting in the car and you do that, he looks at it and starts telling me its not that bad, I am like WTF you mean its not that bad? I just got this yesterday!

Hurts more when someone else ****s up your ****.....
Boils my piss just reading this. The Lack of respect for other people's property in today's society is astounding.

Same thing happened to me in a CT parking lot. Middle aged white lady (the most entitled group by far) parks next to me and opens the door of her late model luxury car into my door on the passenger side. I get out and go around and ask her wtf is she doing. At first she pretends she doesn't know what I'm talking about, then eventually just shrugged her shoulders and walked away. Some white knight came over to tell me it wasn't too bad too. I just shook my head and said I couldn't believe at her age she hadn't learned much.
Boils my piss just reading this. The Lack of respect for other people's property in today's society is astounding.

Same thing happened to me in a CT parking lot. Middle aged white lady (the most entitled group by far) parks next to me and opens the door of her late model luxury car into my door on the passenger side. I get out and go around and ask her wtf is she doing. At first she pretends she doesn't know what I'm talking about, then eventually just shrugged her shoulders and walked away. Some white knight came over to tell me it wasn't too bad too. I just shook my head and said I couldn't believe at her age she hadn't learned much.

Worst I had was a car full of old ladies pull up to a info centre (on a road trip), they park about 1 ft away from the car I was in (rental), to which I thought.. Wtf..? How are they going to get out?

Lady (passenger) opens the door into the car, hits the rental car, doesn't open wide enough, so she decides to shove the door another 3-5 times as hard as she can as if she could push the car farther away with her door... I was... Speechless...

Don't think they spoke English.. This was years ago. I was in my teens and they were well into their 60s.
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Sorry OP, that's one ****** *** rider. The issue is not splitting, the issue is lack of skill and basic courtesy on the riders part. Also, how possible is it that he broke your back light? I mean, if he's going fast enough for the handle bars to hit the car (I presume) into the brake light and he doesn't lose control and drop the bike? Post up the video man...for science.
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