I got mine done as a baby. I knew a guy that got it done in high school. I'm glad my parents made the right choice.
I got mine done as a baby. I knew a guy that got it done in high school. I'm glad my parents made the right choice.
I wonder how retarded the tattoo will look once he gets bigger, will be stretched all funny
The recipient still has no choice as a baby.
How can someone compare this to getting a baby girl's ears pierced?
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you kidding me, I was awake, the doctor and nurses were rocking some tunes during the operation, the nurse was having a conversation with me as she was doing stuff to my junk...kind of awkward - she was looking into my eyes lol
Why is it the right choice?
My son did not get "cut" and my daughter just recently got her ears pierced. She was 8 and had wanted it done. I also have a tattoo and although I wouldnt say that its was really painful I certainly do have an issue with parents and a tattoo "artist" doing this to a child.
Pretty easily...needles, not for the baby's benefit etc.
As for circumcision, there's no real health benefits beyond a few studies that show aids transmission might be affected. It's mostly tradition and religious reasons.