Good points. The passes should help with the fun part. I know if I bought a day pass and they quit five minutes in, I would not be impressed (and probably would make them put in at least an hour). With the season pass, we can be home in five minutes and try again tomorrow.I taught skiing for years at Glen Eden. Rule one with kids, its supposed to be fun, when its not fun, pack it in for the day. Your idea of fun may be different from theirs. Nobody cares about your idea.
Buy the best boots with the best fit you can gauge, the poles and skis are accessories, you ski in the boots. Cold and cramped sucks. Skiis are never cold and cramped, just boots.
Getting the best fit will be hard. I am aiming for good enough as the boots and bodies will both be changing through the season.
I don't plan on getting poles (unless they are basically free with the kit at the swap). They are just more crap for everyone to get tangled in. Once they are competent on skis, we can add poles. I won't be surprised if they don't get poles until next season.
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