Active member
It's not just wives that are scared - there are tons of paranoid husbands out there too My husband didn't believe me and thought I was joking until I returned with my M1 in hand. He even went as far as calling my mother to tattle on me but was put in his place when she revealed that she had her license for over 30 years. He made his feeling known and told me it was my decision but still email bombs me when he hears of an accident.
If your wife loves you, she will understand that this is something you've always wanted to do. If not, she can do what my husband did - doubled my life insurance! As least I know how much I'm worth to him!
If your wife loves you, she will understand that this is something you've always wanted to do. If not, she can do what my husband did - doubled my life insurance! As least I know how much I'm worth to him!