Worth it to fight $150 parking ticket?

Well, I guess as long as your next door neighbour doesnt block your drive way there isnt a problem No?
So if you tried to be nice to your neighbour and ask them politely and they still block your driveway, what then?
Park IN their driveway ,, instead of just blocking it.. cause they can't ticket, or tow it.. hahaha!
Brantford does not have any parking problems, just like any other city, until your driveway gets blocked. ( and was born in Brantford)
well.. I do feel sorry for the person.. they spent most of their life looking out the window for people like me!! ... I appologized .. that sent her into oblivion,, I moved it as fast as I could... there are a couple streets near certain points of interest ,, I think I was near the hospital..
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