The eye-witness was apparently interviewed, by telephone, by the local CBS affiliate.
To review:
Abdelmageed’s story contradicts the official version put in place later in the day that an Arab couple, Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik, were the perpetrators.
UPDATE: December 7
Now that the government’s narrative on the San Bernardino shooting has been put into place by the corporate media, previous eyewitness reports contradicting the official storyline will be assigned to the memory hole.
Another witness backed up Abdelmageed’s story. Juan Hernandez told a local NBC affiliate he saw “three white men in military fatigues” leaving the scene.
Although these eye-witness accounts cast doubt on the official narrative, they were subsequently ignored and the radical Muslim jihadist angle predominated.
“The suspects’ legal team also questions the validity of the Sandy Hook shooting which some believe never took place and may have been a live active shooter drill, using crisis actors, perpetuated by the establishment media as a ‘mass shooting’.”
Other details have also either been ignored or swept under the carpet...
On Monday, Dr. Steve Pieczenik told Alex Jones he is skeptical of the official narrative.
“You had a woman who was supposedly a Pakistani who went to Saudi Arabia, was less than a hundred pounds being able to wear a vest, at the same time carry guns and at the same time shoot and twitter, absolutely impossible,” Pieczenik said.
Pieczenik said the incident transposes Sandy Hook and its underlying predicate is gun control for Obama. “His last wish, his dying wish… is that we have gun control in the United States.”
Yup, Sandy Hook appears to be total BS. I've seen videos and photos showing the two days BEFORE the 'shooting' - a big United Vanlines 18-wheeler moving truck backed up to the school, with fleets of men in coveralls unloading props or whatever, stuff.
Also photos of them electric-drilling 'bullet holes' into the windows from the outside...
And then, a school superintendent (42 years, retired), quite concerned, reached out to his contacts to express his dismay and was told "don't worry, nobody died. It's top-secret, but nobody really died at the school."
Guys, I'm not personally 'saying' anything. I just have questions! Lots and lots of questions...
"It's far, far easier to fool a man, than it is to convince him he's been fooled."
-Mark Twain