World-Class Journalist Admits Mainstream Media Is Completely Fake

The alternative media is just as fake as mainstream media. It's all ******** fed by the reptillians. They know that they have 99.99% of population deceived between the "alternative media" and mainstream media. People believe in their alternative media propaganda without questioning any of it. Their agenda of global warming is advancing at a great pace. So now that they had us making the planet nice and cozy for hybrid endothermic species they are proceeding with phase two of their plan to rule the earth again. They are manipulating us to have nuclear wars.
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People dressed up in black tactical gear may appear as white. Eyewitness accounts can be unreliable, as the stress of the moment may make one forget or skew crucial details. An example: Toronto Star wheels reporter Jill McIntosh once wrote a story in the Star about how she was buzzed numerous times by a would be no-do-gooder driver, while walking on a lonely stretch of road. When reporting it to the police later, this automotive enthusiast and journalist couldn't remember the make of the car.
It is harder to create theories and mystery with today's communication technology. Remember the Bermuda Triangle? Unfortunately, the same technology also allows for the widespread dissemination of BS on a global scale. But conspiracy theories almost invariably trail off with questions and dot dot dot.
The eye-witness was apparently interviewed, by telephone, by the local CBS affiliate.

To review:
Abdelmageed’s story contradicts the official version put in place later in the day that an Arab couple, Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik, were the perpetrators.

UPDATE: December 7
Now that the government’s narrative on the San Bernardino shooting has been put into place by the corporate media, previous eyewitness reports contradicting the official storyline will be assigned to the memory hole.
Another witness backed up Abdelmageed’s story. Juan Hernandez told a local NBC affiliate he saw “three white men in military fatigues” leaving the scene.
Although these eye-witness accounts cast doubt on the official narrative, they were subsequently ignored and the radical Muslim jihadist angle predominated.

“The suspects’ legal team also questions the validity of the Sandy Hook shooting which some believe never took place and may have been a live active shooter drill, using crisis actors, perpetuated by the establishment media as a ‘mass shooting’.”
Other details have also either been ignored or swept under the carpet...
On Monday, Dr. Steve Pieczenik told Alex Jones he is skeptical of the official narrative.
“You had a woman who was supposedly a Pakistani who went to Saudi Arabia, was less than a hundred pounds being able to wear a vest, at the same time carry guns and at the same time shoot and twitter, absolutely impossible,” Pieczenik said.
Pieczenik said the incident transposes Sandy Hook and its underlying predicate is gun control for Obama. “His last wish, his dying wish… is that we have gun control in the United States.”

Yup, Sandy Hook appears to be total BS. I've seen videos and photos showing the two days BEFORE the 'shooting' - a big United Vanlines 18-wheeler moving truck backed up to the school, with fleets of men in coveralls unloading props or whatever, stuff.
Also photos of them electric-drilling 'bullet holes' into the windows from the outside...
And then, a school superintendent (42 years, retired), quite concerned, reached out to his contacts to express his dismay and was told "don't worry, nobody died. It's top-secret, but nobody really died at the school."

Guys, I'm not personally 'saying' anything. I just have questions! Lots and lots of questions...
"It's far, far easier to fool a man, than it is to convince him he's been fooled."
-Mark Twain
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Holy crap I feel more stupid after reading this thread.

And I can't get that time back.

EDIT: wait...maybe he is on to something....

The eye-witness was apparently interviewed, by telephone, by the local CBS affiliate.

To review:
Abdelmageed’s story contradicts the official version put in place later in the day that an Arab couple, Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik, were the perpetrators.

UPDATE: December 7
Now that the government’s narrative on the San Bernardino shooting has been put into place by the corporate media, previous eyewitness reports contradicting the official storyline will be assigned to the memory hole.
Another witness backed up Abdelmageed’s story. Juan Hernandez told a local NBC affiliate he saw “three white men in military fatigues” leaving the scene.
Although these eye-witness accounts cast doubt on the official narrative, they were subsequently ignored and the radical Muslim jihadist angle predominated.

“The suspects’ legal team also questions the validity of the Sandy Hook shooting which some believe never took place and may have been a live active shooter drill, using crisis actors, perpetuated by the establishment media as a ‘mass shooting’.”
Other details have also either been ignored or swept under the carpet...
On Monday, Dr. Steve Pieczenik told Alex Jones he is skeptical of the official narrative.
“You had a woman who was supposedly a Pakistani who went to Saudi Arabia, was less than a hundred pounds being able to wear a vest, at the same time carry guns and at the same time shoot and twitter, absolutely impossible,” Pieczenik said.
Pieczenik said the incident transposes Sandy Hook and its underlying predicate is gun control for Obama. “His last wish, his dying wish… is that we have gun control in the United States.”

Yup, Sandy Hook appears to be total BS. I've seen videos and photos showing the two days BEFORE the 'shooting' - a big United Vanlines 18-wheeler moving truck backed up to the school, with fleets of men in coveralls unloading props or whatever, stuff.
Also photos of them electric-drilling 'bullet holes' into the windows from the outside...
And then, a school superintendent (42 years, retired), quite concerned, reached out to his contacts to express his dismay and was told "don't worry, nobody died. It's top-secret, but nobody really died at the school."

Guys, I'm not personally 'saying' anything. I just have questions! Lots and lots of questions...
"It's far, far easier to fool a man, than it is to convince him he's been fooled."
-Mark Twain
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Headline: "Cameron Orders Attack on Syrian Army, Retaliation for Assad Statements - British Raid on Hasaka Kills 20 Civilians"
Guys, you can't make this stuff up!
"Today’s air attack on the Syrian Army base near Der Ezzor was ordered by British Prime Minister Cameron, in retaliation for criticism of British efforts by Syrian President Assad in an interview published in the London Times Yesterday."
Cameron told his defense officials that the full text of the interview was an “act of war on Britain.” (!)
Reports from sources in the Ministry Of Defense in Britain say that the attack was planned to look like a “medium friendly fire” accident with orders “make it look like an accident but don’t try too hard, Syria can’t do anything about it anyway.”
If only we were making this up...
-Veterans Today

You see what Her Majesty's Prime Minister is up to!?
My Lord!
THIS is the world we live in, folks.
Does this not upset you? Pi$$ you off?
Obey; submit; conform; stay asleep; watch TV.
Politicians and the media: The biggest source of lies and mis-direction on the planet. Does anybody truly believe ANY of the **** these people are peddling ? ....
Politicians and the media: The biggest source of lies and mis-direction on the planet. Does anybody truly believe ANY of the **** these people are peddling ? ....

You know those people who say if don't vote you have no right to complain? Even those guys don't believe politicians. It's devolved to talking points, bumper stickers and good hair. But you can always cheer yourself up with quality police brutality videos.
Politicians and the media: The biggest source of lies and mis-direction on the planet. Does anybody truly believe ANY of the **** these people are peddling ? ....

Yes, most people do, that's why we're in this trouble to begin with.
I was going to change "planet" to "flat earth" in your quote but i'll leave that for another day. :cool:

Politicians are front line puppets, they don't make any decisions or lead anything, they are told what to say and do by the real people that run this earth.
Canadians are some of the worst, because we are spoiled rotten, ignorant and easily manipulated and distracted with fancy new things, we live in a safe place (for now) so we don't give a crap or notice anything is wrong.
The eye-witness was apparently interviewed, by telephone, by the local CBS affiliate.

To review:
Abdelmageed’s story contradicts the official version put in place later in the day that an Arab couple, Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik, were the perpetrators.

UPDATE: December 7
Now that the government’s narrative on the San Bernardino shooting has been put into place by the corporate media, previous eyewitness reports contradicting the official storyline will be assigned to the memory hole.
Another witness backed up Abdelmageed’s story. Juan Hernandez told a local NBC affiliate he saw “three white men in military fatigues” leaving the scene.
Although these eye-witness accounts cast doubt on the official narrative, they were subsequently ignored and the radical Muslim jihadist angle predominated.

“The suspects’ legal team also questions the validity of the Sandy Hook shooting which some believe never took place and may have been a live active shooter drill, using crisis actors, perpetuated by the establishment media as a ‘mass shooting’.”
Other details have also either been ignored or swept under the carpet...
On Monday, Dr. Steve Pieczenik told Alex Jones he is skeptical of the official narrative.
“You had a woman who was supposedly a Pakistani who went to Saudi Arabia, was less than a hundred pounds being able to wear a vest, at the same time carry guns and at the same time shoot and twitter, absolutely impossible,” Pieczenik said.
Pieczenik said the incident transposes Sandy Hook and its underlying predicate is gun control for Obama. “His last wish, his dying wish… is that we have gun control in the United States.”

Yup, Sandy Hook appears to be total BS. I've seen videos and photos showing the two days BEFORE the 'shooting' - a big United Vanlines 18-wheeler moving truck backed up to the school, with fleets of men in coveralls unloading props or whatever, stuff.
Also photos of them electric-drilling 'bullet holes' into the windows from the outside...
And then, a school superintendent (42 years, retired), quite concerned, reached out to his contacts to express his dismay and was told "don't worry, nobody died. It's top-secret, but nobody really died at the school."

Guys, I'm not personally 'saying' anything. I just have questions! Lots and lots of questions...
"It's far, far easier to fool a man, than it is to convince him he's been fooled."
-Mark Twain

I was actually wondering where it was posted, what web site did you get the text from?
Yes, most people do, that's why we're in this trouble to begin with.
I was going to change "planet" to "flat earth" in your quote but i'll leave that for another day. :cool:

Politicians are front line puppets, they don't make any decisions or lead anything, they are told what to say and do by the real people that run this earth.
Canadians are some of the worst, because we are spoiled rotten, ignorant and easily manipulated and distracted with fancy new things, we live in a safe place (for now) so we don't give a crap or notice anything is wrong.

As frustrating as it is, to hear intelligent people (some of them friends and close family) swallowing the political b.s. "hook, line and sinker," it's refreshing to know that there are others who are able to think for themselves, rather than blindly believe what they are told in newspapers and the media in general.

Btw, when I said "do they TRULY believe ..." I was alluding to the possibity that they choose to stick their heads in the sand, because it might be easier for some folks to accept the neat little suburban package that politicians have made for them, rather than see what's really happening ...
Holy ****: I sound like a raving conspiracy theorist (which sometimes isn't too far from the truth.
I'm going to get back to telling lies about my motorcycling prowess and drop the politics! Lol
You know those people who say if don't vote you have no right to complain? Even those guys don't believe politicians. It's devolved to talking points, bumper stickers and good hair. But you can always cheer yourself up with quality police brutality videos.

My response to those people (and my wife's Grandma is one of them), is:
Perhaps it's the ardent "it's your democrat responsibility to vote, type voters," whom have less right to complain, as they're the very people who voted these guys in to a position of power in the first place !
So, it's actually your bloody fault ! - Lol
That always goes over real well ;-)
You really have to take things with a grain of salt on both sides.

Major media at best publish "part truth's". CBC, MSNBC and Fox are particularly good at this - but at least Fox have really, really hot anchors :) You can just turn the sound down and watch.

We used to do a lot of production work for CBC and content submitted by independent journalists, reuters, etc., was cut and paste to meet the party line. They all do it but I'm most familiar with CBC having done worked for them. We have cut out key footage for CBC that sets the context for major news stories

Major journalists and anchors are bought and paid for.

Trudeau bought Mansbridge an all expenses, first class trip to Italy to officiate at the wedding of Kate Purchase, Justin's Director of Communications. BTW. Purchase's father is Bruce Anderson, who until three weeks ago was a panellist on Mansbridge's At Issue. At least he had the decency to step down citing conflict of interest once the story broke. It explains why Mansbridge was so Pro Trudeau during the election and why he **** all over Tom Mulcair and Harper. I guess he was being rewarded.

Then you have Brian Williams from NBC. He outright lied about being in a fire fight.

There is also Bill O'Reilly lying about the death of George de Mohrenschildt.

There are literally thousands of examples of this **** from people that you should be able to trust.

I also find smaller independent sites are simply full of opinion, conspiracy theories and sometimes outright lies.

My favourite story is that a Cruise missile hit the pentagon on 9/11 :)

I had flown into Washington National that morning and was picked up by our sales guys for a meeting in Herndon with Time Warner Cable. We are sitting on the GW at the 14th Street Bridge and Rob is pointing at a plane and shouting that its going to crash. We watch it the whole way down until it hits the Pentagon.

What's the point? Factual news reporting is gone, if it ever existed. In this case you have a bunch of people that don't even trust their own government and now have access to media effectively publishing their own version of current events.

I just want facts. Not the opinion, editorial or commentary that is provided by all news outlets
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Trudeau bought Mansbridge an all expenses, first class trip to Italy to officiate at the wedding of Kate Purchase, Justin's Director of Communications.

If that's true its despicable. This guy sits on The National every night pontificating about Duffy. Clearly there is no hypocrisy there.

BTW. I just Googled it, but the CBC say there was no conflict of interest, nothing to see here, move on.
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You really have to take things with a grain of salt on both sides.

Major media at best publish "part truth's". CBC, MSNBC and Fox are particularly good at this - but at least Fox have really, really hot anchors :) You can just turn the sound down and watch.

We used to do a lot of production work for CBC and content submitted by independent journalists, reuters, etc., was cut and paste to meet the party line. They all do it but I'm most familiar with CBC having done worked for them. We have cut out key footage for CBC that sets the context for major news stories

Major journalists and anchors are bought and paid for.

Trudeau bought Mansbridge an all expenses, first class trip to Italy to officiate at the wedding of Kate Purchase, Justin's Director of Communications. BTW. Purchase's father is Bruce Anderson, who until three weeks ago was a panellist on Mansbridge's At Issue. At least he had the decency to step down citing conflict of interest once the story broke. It explains why Mansbridge was so Pro Trudeau during the election and why he **** all over Tom Mulcair and Harper. I guess he was being rewarded.

Then you have Brian Williams from NBC. He outright lied about being in a fire fight.

There is also Bill O'Reilly lying about the death of George de Mohrenschildt.

There are literally thousands of examples of this **** from people that you should be able to trust.

I also find smaller independent sites are simply full of opinion, conspiracy theories and sometimes outright lies.

My favourite story is that a Cruise missile hit the pentagon on 9/11 :)

I had flown into Washington National that morning and was picked up by our sales guys for a meeting in Herndon with Time Warner Cable. We are sitting on the GW at the 14th Street Bridge and Rob is pointing at a plane and shouting that its going to crash. We watch it the whole way down until it hits the Pentagon.

What's the point? Factual news reporting is gone, if it ever existed. In this case you have a bunch of people that don't even trust their own government and now have access to media effectively publishing their own version of current events.

I just want facts. Not the opinion, editorial or commentary that is provided by all news outlets

I believe this 100%. I don't know why, I just do. You get a sense about these things. I have a good feeling about this one. Some other posts in this thread beg closer scrutiny but not this one.
I believe this 100%. I don't know why, I just do. You get a sense about these things. I have a good feeling about this one. Some other posts in this thread beg closer scrutiny but not this one.

I assume you are being sarcastic but this is documeted with statements from the involved parties admiting it.


Peter Williams:

O'Reilly: - personally I wouldn't believe O'Reilly as far as I can throw him.

Its really not hard to research a news story to get different points of view. This is exactly the point I'm making. Most of it is half truths bent to toe the party line. you need to read both sides as the truth is somewhere in between. If you cant figure that out.....
I assume you are being sarcastic but this is documeted with statements from the involved parties admiting it.


Peter Williams:

O'Reilly: - personally I wouldn't believe O'Reilly as far as I can throw him.

Its really not hard to research a news story to get different points of view. This is exactly the point I'm making. Most of it is half truths bent to toe the party line. you need to read both sides as the truth is somewhere in between. If you cant figure that out.....

I see you've cleverly omitted the the Pentagon story, which was really the focus of my diatribe.

Clearly you mean Brian Williams. Peter Williams was one of my favourite racers ever, and the man who invented the alloy wheel :)

Williams was the Lloyd Robertson of the US until he did this. I always thought he had a little more integrity than some other anchors.

It really begs 2 questions. What else did he make up before he was caught, and how will he ever be credible again? Is he not now unemployable?
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