Workplace Jerks...

Wow are you serious? I don't know what kind of negative paranoid people you associate with, but people I know are generally positive and wish they could hop onto a bike and ride!

Why can't they, are they paraplegics? or do you hang around with minors? :p

Everyone I know says: "WOW that's SOO cool! Whats it like?" then its 1 of 2 statements: "I want one, but I like the safety of a car." or "You're DEAD if you get into an accident, you'll never catch me on one of those" Read: The novelty is cool, but the required state of mind must be psychotic.

I could care less what they think, personally. None of my close friends ride (except my woman :)), and maybe 3 close associates have bikes, whom i have yet to actually ride with.
Have your mom tell their mom to stop picking on you.

I get snickered at work as well. They tell me you ride a girls bike, and I say "oh yeah, what do you ride.......I thought so"
You think that's bad? My boss (at the time) called my mom and told her to buy me a sports car so I can give up on this bike suicide idea :shock: (They work in the same industry, but different fields, so they know each other from industry association meetings)
You think that's bad? My boss (at the time) called my mom and told her to buy me a sports car so I can give up on this bike suicide idea :shock: (They work in the same industry, but different fields, so they know each other from industry association meetings)


A couple of notes:

1) Even at that time all of my motor vehicles were bought/maintained/insured with my own money
2) He had some friends die and others end up in wheelchairs from 2-wheeled accidents, "back in the day" in the prairies, so I didn't flip out at him, especially since he really is a nice guy and I know he meant well - might have projected the way he raised his own kids, onto me but he sure as hell wasn't gonna pay me enough to buy a Carrera 4s :cool:
My wife was one of those...I just bought the bike anyway, got the license. Now she's cool with it(there was a rough patch tho), says once I get a larger bike she is ok with going for a ride.
The ones I especially can't stand are the ones who see you pull up on your bike, and then give you the"nice bike! I heard about this rider in (insert random location) who (insert some sort of insane interaction) cuz they were riding all crazy-like!" I have yet to hear one of these stories where the rider wasnt at fault! Even some of my own relatives are guilty of this and it bothers me cuz I feel like they're tryin to jinx me or sumthin.
My wife was one of those...I just bought the bike anyway, got the license. Now she's cool with it(there was a rough patch tho), says once I get a larger bike she is ok with going for a ride.

LOL! Similar experience here. she knew I used to ride and would like to again, my buddy calls up to offer me his bike at a bargain price (his wife delivered him the stupid ultimatum "you can't buy that bike because you already own one"). I told him I'd think about it, told my wife as well and that we should talk later in the week when we had time. I'd decided not to buy the bike but when we finally had the time she delivered her ultimatum "I forbid you to buy that bike!!!" ... so I whipped out my blackberry and texted my buddy back one word: SOLD!

LOL! Good thing she didn't say "over my dead body." ... I upped both our life insurance that day. ;)
im still waiting for the introduction.... Or maybe I'm in the wrong spot ?

nope, i just checked.
^your expectations are way too high, mr "ohhhh, I want intros in the new rider intro section". What ya want next, pictures of bikes in the bikes pic section? You sir, are the definition of anarchist, :) what if his intro is now less exciting than the workplace story? "hey everybody, got bike, peace!" then what? Lol
^your expectations are way too high, mr "ohhhh, I want intros in the new rider intro section". What ya want next, pictures of bikes in the bikes pic section? You sir, are the definition of anarchist, :) what if his intro is now less exciting than the workplace story? "hey everybody, got bike, peace!" then what? Lol

Hahaha love that! But I think you were a tad facetious :P

- Randy
Who cares?

Wait till June...gorgeous evening, warm and dry.....sitting at a stoplight, you will see guys in nice cars with hot chicks in the passenger seat....drooling over your bike, and wishing for all they are worth, that they could switch places with you, even if only for the night.
Who cares?

Wait till June...gorgeous evening, warm and dry.....sitting at a stoplight, you will see guys in nice cars with hot chicks in the passenger seat....drooling over your bike, and wishing for all they are worth, that they could switch places with you, even if only for the night.

but the guy drives off and chick is still with him in the end lol.
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