Number one , make sure the company you are currently employed with are inside with a side gig in the same business. And not the next level manager , the big guy that can fire you . Some may consider it poaching.
Get all your tax ducks in a row , you’ll need it eventually and when tax breaks are offered and things like COVID money is getting tossed around , you need the legit business to get in.
Get a decent bookkeeper, starting most are fine , you don’t really need an accountant except yr end . Bookkeepers , the good ones know as much as most CAs for daily work .
A bit of your time gets eaten chasing work, discussing projects and chasing outstanding accounts, none of which may be billable, make sure it’s worth it .
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Get all your tax ducks in a row , you’ll need it eventually and when tax breaks are offered and things like COVID money is getting tossed around , you need the legit business to get in.
Get a decent bookkeeper, starting most are fine , you don’t really need an accountant except yr end . Bookkeepers , the good ones know as much as most CAs for daily work .
A bit of your time gets eaten chasing work, discussing projects and chasing outstanding accounts, none of which may be billable, make sure it’s worth it .
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