Word association game

Homer Bush(baseball player)

Ooohhhh....can't wait to see how someone is gonna go with this one!!! LOL!!! :lol:
Thong Song

aahahahah "..that thong, thong, thong, thong thong!!!"

Dru :D
bikerchick600r said:
burning bush HAHAHAHA foiled all those rude replies!! :D :D
Spoiled again!!! loving it, Bikerchick :wink:

How about a song from the
StellastarFZR said:
bikerchick600r said:
burning bush HAHAHAHA foiled all those rude replies!! :D :D
Spoiled again!!! loving it, Bikerchick :wink:

How about a song from the

I bet there are a few people that would like to burn Bush right about now!! :lol: :lol:
This not a joke...I am not trying to be rude...apparently there was a kids show in the UK that went by the name:

Master Bates, Seaman Stanes

Some type of naval reference :wink: Even if it did ot exist, the name is too funny!!! And, that was the first thought in my head after "master" haha
Cap 'n' Crunch
Hes the seaman of my cereal bowl.
Batman always knew that the Joker was mental!
Odette's only odometer is out of order on occasion.

I'm bored and it's only 3:00 :(
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