Word association game


I would like to install a turbo on my BB.
Damnit Kam, now you got me into this whole mess. Well... here it goes...

Boy Toy

Don't ask me where i got this from...
(for all you females)
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
:lol: All i can say to that post is...


That's too funny Akshun, you threw a curve ball there. ;)
Woah, there's two Andys in this forum?
I wish i could think of a word, guess it would help if i knew what a fembot was... :oops:
Think Austin Powers....but we have to wait for Akshun or someone likeminded to Akshun.

Hey AKSHUN!!!!! Come on buddy!! You can think of it!!!!
Lights, running camera, AKSHUNN!!!! Yeah, baby.

Do you all have better things to think of??? :lol: :P
I think it's for the best that I don't respond with the first word that comes into my mind for that. :twisted:
porno's aren't family viewing... unless krimes' dad is trying to embarass him again... :oops:
that story still freaks me out man...

Sandspider :lol:,

My dad just brought that up last night, i can't believe you remembered that post! He told me last night that he read the post where i told everyone that he makes me embarassed when that stuff comes on.

HAHA DAD, i know you're reading this again. :). What are you waiting for? sign up at GTAmotorcycle.com already. I don't like how you silently browse through the forums reading our (more specifically... MY) posts. It's getting creepy... :lol:
And yes, you can use the login name: Krime'sBiatch :lol:
That's actually what he told me his name would be if he joined. Hey, you said it not me... :lol:

Family matters
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