Women of GTAM - Your Sexual Health

My daughter is a female hemopheliac , a 1 in a million . The blood disorder at McMaster clinic want her for a lab rat. It would be VERY dangerous and irresponsible for her to have children. And at 23 she is fine with that, time will see if her potential partners are.

If its something she decides she wants to do, there are alternatives to having children. Wont be her own blood but she can adopt. Something I always thought to do, if it is ever found out I cant have kids.
Damn, If you're having issues and super healthy I guess I should actually get checked. I hope my school finally gets a female doctor so I can stop putting it off.

Don't put it off girl, you do what you have to do. Most of the school doctors are kinda old anyways, just picture them as a santa or the KFC's colonel...

I love your signature by the way... :D
I'm sorry to hear about your situation but believe me there are lots of Orphans and Abandoned Kids out there that can benefit from this if you decide to have kids. Like they say, when life hands you lemons, make lemonade.....right??

I've always considered adopting kids (i'm a dude), even though I might be fit to have my own kids. There are just so many unfortunately kids growing up in poor conditions around the world.

So think of your unfortunate circumstances as an opportunity to give a living, breathing, child a loving home!!
(Whenever you do wish to have kids that is.) You're young right now. Enjoy life in the mean time!

P.S. You won't lose your figure due to pregnancy ;) (Had to lighten the mood)
I'm sorry to hear the terrible news.

I urge all young women to see medical attention regularly. Your health should be taken seriously. No one is the exception.
I agree, and the same message applies to men. I lost a co-worker last year because he never went to the doctor and "it" was at stage 4 when he was finally diagnosed... most men here know what test I'm talking about too.

And before I tell anyone to go see a doctor, even for regular checkups, I really should heed my own advice!
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