Woman chokes out dude in vegas

It takes roughly 4 minutes for brain cells to die off from lack of oxygen. At around 6 - 9 minutes you are doing serious damage to the brain that is irreversible. After the 9 minute mark you are more than likely considered deceased.

Pretty much right.

Choke hold is going to stop blood flow to the brain. Depending on how tight and efficient that choke hold is, you could be conscious for a few more seconds or a couple of minutes.
At normal body temps, you have roughly 4-5 minutes before you start killing brain cells.

His body starts to breathe, but he isn't perfusing the brain. That form of breathing he is doing is exactly what you'll hear when someone is knocked the ****** out. His brain is firing signals to his cardio vascular system that something isn't right, so oxygenate like crazy... Only that oxygen isn't making it to the brain. Depending on how long it takes the paramedics to get there (They are insanely busy in Vegas), what sort of damage she did, when she let go and if his airway was maintained after she did release, it could kill someone fairly quick. He likely had a fair amount of alcohol in his blood too, and that also would be a factor with maintaining cells.

Charge her with murder and all her friends with accessory to, someone should have stepped in.
The video look like it was filmed on one of the pedestrian bridges in vegas, if you've walked over those you'll see its where the pan handlers, bums and crackheads hang out.
You could have this happen pretty easy and nobody would intervene. Wonder what started it.
dude you tarded?
No, but thanks for your concern.

Breathing heavily does not mean you're not passed out...at that point he's getting no oxygen to his brain for any other bodily functions, he's on auto pilot trying to get whatever he can to keep his heart pumping. You'd be one of the people in the crowd just watching it happen wouldn't you?
Breathing forcefully like that is not possible in an unconscious state, therefore he uhm, wait for it... was not unconscious! And he was constantly getting oxygen to his brain, that's why it took so long before he passed out. If the circulation were cut off 100% then he would have been out almost instantly. You don't seem to understand, people pass out from just standing up too quickly sometimes, it doesn't mean they weren't getting any oxygen to the brain!
What an idiot! If she doesn't know what she is doing she should not be doing the hold. FYI - a choke hold applied correctly for 2 secs will knock someone out, 4 secs will cause brain damage. This idiot was holding it for over a min. he is definately brain damaged. No question about it. The brain cant ho that long without oxygen, hes lungs may have oxygen but it wasn't reaching the brain.

You're talking about when circulation is stopped entirely. It's very clear he wasn't out in 2 or 4 seconds, he slowly passed out over more than a minute, therefore he was getting at least some oxygen through that choke hold.
No, but thanks for your concern.

Breathing forcefully like that is not possible in an unconscious state, therefore he uhm, wait for it... was not unconscious! And he was constantly getting oxygen to his brain, that's why it took so long before he passed out. If the circulation were cut off 100% then he would have been out almost instantly. You don't seem to understand, people pass out from just standing up too quickly sometimes, it doesn't mean they weren't getting any oxygen to the brain!

My god, just stop already.
The video look like it was filmed on one of the pedestrian bridges in vegas, if you've walked over those you'll see its where the pan handlers, bums and crackheads hang out.
You could have this happen pretty easy and nobody would intervene. Wonder what started it.

It happened outside the Aria / City Centre on the temporary, sheltered walkway they installed around the one big *** tower (Harmon) that was built with faulty rebar. It's slated for demo asap - demo equip was there setting up at the end of Jan.
Brand new building / hotel / condo, about 30 stories - never been opened.
I would have laid a boot to that *****'s noggin rather promptly if I was nearby.
Rot in jail you fat ugly retarded dumb ****. As far as the bystanders... typical reactions.
Are there any news stories on this? I'd really like to know:

1) What happened to the guy - even if he started the altrecation, I don't wish him brain damage or death

2) How did the whole thing start - Could go either way. I've been attacked by a drunken whale for not reacting to her advances (I didn't even offer verbal provocation).. Fortunately in my case, all it took was stepping out of the way as she went for another push and she tumbled down the stairs, was ok, the security had a good laugh and called her a cab

3) What (if anything) were all persons involved charged with
Society is ****ed... anyone with 2 brain cells would have stepped in and stopped this.
I saw this a few days ago on another site. Absolutely disgusting. He probably passed out from the smell of her nasty *** cooch.. I hope the guy doesn't have brain damage. I don't know how that girl got her huge *** legs around that guys neck, but I wish guys would work out more. I could have pried that fat *** chicks legs off my neck even if I had to bite through all that blubber.. Maybe he had a KFC drumstick in his pocket and she just had to have it..
No, but thanks for your concern.

Breathing forcefully like that is not possible in an unconscious state, therefore he uhm, wait for it... was not unconscious! And he was constantly getting oxygen to his brain, that's why it took so long before he passed out. If the circulation were cut off 100% then he would have been out almost instantly. You don't seem to understand, people pass out from just standing up too quickly sometimes, it doesn't mean they weren't getting any oxygen to the brain!

It most certainly is possible. I've seen it.
Standing up too quickly and passing out is due to insufficient blood pressure to the brain, causing a temporary lack of oxygen to the brain and down you go. You can be laying down, chilled out heart rate, blood vessels all relaxed and you're circulating properly. Get up too fast (like say from a deep sleep and getting up to your feet instantly) the heart doesn't have time to increase in the volume it's pushing (either through the force or rate of the pulses) and the blood vessels don't react fast enough to tighten up to push back on the blood to force it up those 18" from your heart to the brain. Whammo, down you go for a couple seconds. Everyone has a good laugh, your body reacts properly and you go back to normal.
It's the same thing as pilots passing out from high G movements. The vessels can't constrict enough, and the heart can't pump hard enough to force that blood up to the brain.
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