
Just because it's ridiculous doesn't mean that you can't be respectful. I'd try to call someone what they want if they were respectful on their part. It's no skin off my back. If they're being a douche, well I can do that too.

Curious if you've ever had the balls to stand up to a trans-person and tell them what you think of their pro-nouns? Or are you a polite Canadian like the rest of us who placates the mentally ill.
Never had anyone scream at me about their pronouns.

If someone says "can you call me _____ (name)___", no skin off my back. Thats fine.

If its xe, xu, they, them, whatever. No thanks. Just tell me your name, and don't get ****** if I "misgender" you. Its a form of control on their part...

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Just because it's ridiculous doesn't mean that you can't be respectful. I'd try to call someone what they want if they were respectful on their part. It's no skin off my back. If they're being a douche, well I can do that too.

Curious if you've ever had the balls to stand up to a trans-person and tell them what you think of their pro-nouns? Or are you a polite Canadian like the rest of us who placates the mentally ill.
If they carry a soap box with them everywhere they go it's waste of time.
Never had anyone scream at me about their pronouns.

If someone says "can you call me _____ (name)___", no skin off my back. Thats fine.

If its xe, xu, they, them, whatever. No thanks. Just tell me your name, and don't get ****** if I "misgender" you. Its a form of control on their part...

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If you try preaching the pronoun issue in Gaza, Ukraine, refugee camps, most Latin American and Arab countries etc it you might not get much sympathy.

Here you get a government grant.
They/them can call themselves whatever "they" want. I don't have to placate the mentally ill.

Call yourself a desk lamp if you want, doesn't mean I'm going to shove a light bulb up your ass.

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A friend rides an ear splitting Harley. He and his wife dress up as pirates and reverberate their way to the Muskokas and blip into a restaurant with a big patio. Then he's uptight because everyone is looking at them like they're scum balls.

Walks like a duck, talks like a duck but doesn't want to be identified as a duck.
If they carry a soap box with them everywhere they go it's waste of time.

I've yet to meet any carrying a soap box. There are a few at my work. We had to change signage on bathroom doors which was dumb but otherwise they are pretty quiet. I couldn't imagine berating them if they politely asked me to refer to them as something else. I'd likely say "sure" and continue to avoid talking to them in the future.

Also, a waitress at my favorite sandwich shop seems pretty non-conforming but I'm not sure because she lacks a soap box. In the dozens of times she's served me I've never needed to worry about it as pro-nouns aren't needed to order a sandwich.
Back to the "woke" question.

Nefew told us he's asexual. Wants to be known as Lucy. Sister-in-laws are quite left leaning. They ate it up... until they found out he doesn't want to be Lucy, like a girl... he (they???) wanted to be known as Lucifer... thinks being the devil would be cool.

The sister-in-laws don't talk about it much now. Got swept under the rug pretty quick.

He- HE - needs to talk to a therapist, instead of blaming all his life long woes on his sexual preferences, and gender identity.

I told him, love who you want, but you can't change your gender. Its just a fad, and a sense of belonging with him.

He came from a stable two parent family. There is a history of Asbergers on his dads side. Manageable, but present in his dad and brother.

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I've yet to meet any carrying a soap box. There are a few at my work. We had to change signage on bathroom doors which was dumb but otherwise they are pretty quiet. I couldn't imagine berating them if they politely asked me to refer to them as something else. I'd likely say "sure" and continue to avoid talking to them in the future.

Also, a waitress at my favorite sandwich shop seems pretty non-conforming but I'm not sure because she lacks a soap box. In the dozens of times she's served me I've never needed to worry about it as pro-nouns aren't needed to order a sandwich.
If she made an issue over my pronoun attitude she'd freak out over my tip.
“this person” is also safe. I don’t really mind what people use for me as long as they are respectful If pushed though my pronouns are “your eminence, or his highness, or emperor”.
What if they don't identify as people peoplekin?
What if they don't identify as people peoplekin?
I’m outraged.

That’s “what if they don’t identify as people peoplekin…your eminence?”

In that case we need a dna sample to see if you’re a fungus or a pineapple or an otter.

On a serious note…again, I really don’t mind what’s used for me but for others I’ve never run into any issues using “you” or “they” or “that person”
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In fairness , I don’t encounter many different pronoun people in my day , and when I do at Starbucks or Chapters / Indego , which is the only place I’d know since they wear name tags , I don’t care . I’ll address them however they wish , whatever makes it work. I have bigger things to deal with in my day , it’s actually a non issue . I’m like Switzerland on this one . Always be a unicorn if the option is there .

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I’m outraged.

That’s “what if they don’t identify as people peoplekin…your eminence?”

In that case we need a dna sample to see if you’re a fungus or a pineapple or an otter.

On a serious note…again, I really don’t mind what’s used for me but for others I’ve never run into any issues using “you” or “they” or “that person”

I've had zero issues actually, I just call everyone "Mate" in a thick aussie accent and I get by
Ah to be young and full of myself and have all the answers to the world’s problems! And to see the evolution of language to make a statement and clap back against opposing points of view.

Protests, cancel culture, woke, red pilled, shame! outrage, cultural appropriation, reparations, racism, racist, phobic, the fringe, the 1%, identity politics, climate change, global warming, climate crisis, climate disaster, wild fires, drought, floods, hurricanes, trans, spectrum, man? No humankind, etc etc etc

Humans are more compelled to believe they are right more than to learn about things.
I've had zero issues actually, I just call everyone "Mate" in a thick aussie accent and I get by

Pretty convinced a fair bit of this is manufactured rage fanned by the flames of social media. Years ago you made yourself stand out from the crowd by being a punk or a goth or got tattoos and piercings or blue hair. Now you actually stand out from the crowd by not having any of that as it’s all become mainstream and common. So what’s left if you really want attention?

Not saying it’s all of it but a cry for attention is a common theme for many young adults. Maybe that cry for attention is for something tangible or a real issue too.
Same, I opened the window in the middle of the night, just as I lay back down this stupid cat starts meowing etc...
Lol. My cat wants out at 5am when the bird starts chirping. He meows like he’s in a cat fight, then mauls my wife until she lets him out.
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