
I'm ready to start shooting birds in my neighbourhood...4am those mofos start chirping and wife likes the open window to make sure we have fresh air....

So I'm half woke today.
Same, I opened the window in the middle of the night, just as I lay back down this stupid cat starts meowing etc...
I'm barely awake most days.
To be honest, I don't know or care what "woke" is, unless being used as the past tense of wake.
“this person” is also safe. I don’t really mind what people use for me as long as they are respectful If pushed though my pronouns are “your eminence, or his highness, or emperor”.
Great stuff folks. How do we feel about indigenous people
They/them can call themselves whatever "they" want. I don't have to placate the mentally ill.

Call yourself a desk lamp if you want, doesn't mean I'm going to shove a light bulb up your ass.

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Just because it's ridiculous doesn't mean that you can't be respectful. I'd try to call someone what they want if they were respectful on their part. It's no skin off my back. If they're being a douche, well I can do that too.

Curious if you've ever had the balls to stand up to a trans-person and tell them what you think of their pro-nouns? Or are you a polite Canadian like the rest of us who placates the mentally ill.
Great stuff folks. How do we feel about indigenous people
I don't need the generational shame.

We're not Catholic. My parents are immigrants. Wifes family are immigrants.

The catholic church screwed up. They went in with the best intentions... it got messed up.

Most Indigenous peoples I've known go to the reserve for gas and smokes. They'd never live there.

Sister-in-law does Northern nursing. She's seen awful things... sex abuse within families. Abandoned babies... substance abuse.

Another customer went to a reserve in Manitoba. There were gas soaked rags above baby's cribs, so the fumes would knock out the kids... so the parents could go get drunk...

Crooked chiefs that keep all the govt. money.

Some reserves out east are run well. Some our way are a **** show...

I'm supposed to be held financially and morally responsible for the actions of another group of people, because of the colour of my skin, or my nationality?

Sounds like racism to me.

I feel sad for their situation. How about this; keep your culture in the home, like the rest of us. Join the rest of Canadian society. Stop self segregating.

My parents and grand parents spoke Dutch in the home. We kept some traditions. When they went out, they spoke english, and interacted with everyone else, regardless of their culture or country of origin.

My wife is mixed. My kids are mixed. Its all good.

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