Wish this was here...

Currently as it is illegal, lane splitting is practiced by few motorcycle riders. If it were made legal then many more riders would practice it moving motorcycle traffic along. Unfortunately there are too many bad driver/riders in Ontario which would result in motorcycle collisions increasing dramatically.

Instead of sending tweets and letters to the government of Ontario recommending increasing the speed limits on our roads and allowing lane splitting, how about we write to the Minister of Transportation demanding that getting and keeping a driver's licence in Ontario becomes harder. This will maybe, just maybe keep those as one of you called them "asshats" off the roads. Once that happens and the number of collisions becomes reduced (many collisions occur during lane splitting in California) then you can ask for the ability to lane split and have increased speed limits.
(many collisions occur during not lane splitting in Ontario)

and many more would occur during (in Ontario). What's your point? Death wish aside, do you really have that much trust in Ontario drivers? There are issues in our driver training system that need correction well before something like lane splitting is even remotely viable.
There is this non-sense idea of Ontario drivers being the worst.. not even close. Sure, they may not be as qualified as in Germany, but IMO, the training/testing here is 100% sufficient to accommodate filtering motorcycles.

In where I come from (and some other countries I've been), ppl get their licenses from their local butchers, and yet, all the motorcycles still filter without any issues.
and many more would occur during (in Ontario). What's your point? Death wish aside, do you really have that much trust in Ontario drivers? There are issues in our driver training system that need correction well before something like lane splitting is even remotely viable.
California has fewer motorcycle accidents because of filtering. If you're moving while all the other cars are stopped or stopping, then you're not getting rear-ended.
and many more would occur during (in Ontario). What's your point? Death wish aside, do you really have that much trust in Ontario drivers? There are issues in our driver training system that need correction well before something like lane splitting is even remotely viable.

So... Lane splitting/filtering = rider has a death wish...? Nah, if they had a death wish, they'd be flying down between vehicles doing 300km/h - not 30km/h.

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