Are you a politician? Lots of words, some subtle insults, but no substance.
Recipe for reply on gtam
Are you a politician? Lots of words, some subtle insults, but no substance.
(many collisions occur during lane splitting in California)
(many collisions occur during not lane splitting in Ontario)
California has fewer motorcycle accidents because of filtering. If you're moving while all the other cars are stopped or stopping, then you're not getting rear-ended.and many more would occur during (in Ontario). What's your point? Death wish aside, do you really have that much trust in Ontario drivers? There are issues in our driver training system that need correction well before something like lane splitting is even remotely viable.
and many more would occur during (in Ontario). What's your point? Death wish aside, do you really have that much trust in Ontario drivers? There are issues in our driver training system that need correction well before something like lane splitting is even remotely viable.