wisdom teeth

Boy am I ever glad that mom insisted that I get them out just before I wasn't covered under her benefits anymore. I have no idea how much it cost.

I got dry socket on one to the teeth. I gotta say it was about the worst pain I've ever had. It was just the fact that it would not go away or get better or subside at all. Just continuous pain with no end in sight.
I am glad I never had wisdom teeth they sound like a pain.

I was wondering if there were people that don't get them. I guess the answer is yes. I still haven't had mine come in, and if they do I hope I don't need to remove them. I hate needles, and the dentist in general.
I was scared of dentist before I found her. She explains everything in gruesome details as she picks apart my teeth. It helps alleviate pain when you request them freezing your mouth.
Got all 4 removed, bottoms were impacted and had to be cut into fours before being picked out with tweezers.

Got knocked out. Didn't drink water the night before like they said, got rehydrated and my veins kept collapsing.

So they had to use laughing gas to get my veins to pop out.

All in $1600...

One of the best experiences of my life that laughing gas stuff is the shizz!

Recovery was a pain though, you wouldn't believe the amount of stuff that gets stuck in those darn holes while they are healing. That pointed syringe thingy really saved my @$$
i don't think the pain in recovery is worth it. If i wanna get high I can do it a lot cheaper than 2k

It's been over 10 years, so my memory is a bit hazy. But I don't remember the recovery being all that bad. I looked like a chipmunk the next day, and I had to continually rinse my mouth to keep it clean. But if it was more painful or a PITA I would've remembered.
One additional question is. I really don't have 2 grand on me right now. Does dental offices provide some type of in house financing? I really could use that!!

AND thanks all for your kind inputs!!
Heads up if your a smoker i suggest not smoking for a week after you get them removed it hurts alot more if you smoke you can feel it in there and everything ...ya bad idea , I paid around 800$ to get 2 removed about 3 years ago.
Wow, prices have gone up. Had all 4 of mine removed in 1997, they were rotting and falling apart. Good thing I was covered by my employer 100%. Bill was around $1000. Gas was a weird experience. Unfortunately I got nerve damage in the front of my lower jaw, it was numb for over a year. Slowly gained back most of the sensation but there is still a small spot that never healed. The bleeding didn't stop for a couple of days and my neck was yellow from all the bruising.
Holy crap, the prices have gone up.
OHIP covered the five (yes - 5) I got removed in 1985...
When I asked my dentist to refill my perscription for "perks"... he said we'll have to wean you off those son....LOL.
Check with the University of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry. This goes under emergency.

University of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry
416 979 4927
101 Elm St
M-F 0830h - 1730h

Majority of the pain was being caused by the tooth adjacent to the lower/left wisdom tooth. The solution was to remove both the wisdom and the adjacent molar. Right now there is no pain because the anesthetics are not worn off yet. I sure wish the recovery time is as short as possible.

Good news is that my upper two wisdoms are fine!! - gotta be a win somewhere.

Thanks all!!
Before you go further with this please try this first:

I had all 4 wisdom teeth impacted (2 of them were turned 90 degrees from where they should have been!) and they were extracted for free, it was covered under the provincial health plan as a medical procedure, not a dental one. It was done in the hospital under general anesthesia.

Make an appointment with your GP doctor and discuss it as an option. I was just out of university and had no dental bennies or cash for this sort of thing, my doctor was sympathetic and was happy to help me out.

Caveat: this was 20 years ago and it was in BC, I'm not sure if it will work today under OHIP but it's worth it to at least try. What have you got to lose?

Good luck!

I had same situation 25 yrs ago needed them out in a bad way...went to Toronto General at the time had a xray and the Doc yanked all 4 out in no time at all. Went on vacation the next day...tales of swelling up ...never happened...pounded back the beers for a week and picked the stitches out myself while away. Think it cost like $200
Hells no! The laughing gas was one of the best experiences I've ever had! :D

I hated the dentist when I was a kid and I ripped the freezing needle out of his hand once and accidentally stabbed him with it and froze his hand. That was after getting gas for an hour and it didn't seem to do anything, wth??
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