Wisdom teeth where/how much

Looks like I'll need to have a wisdom tooth pulled, might pull a couple more, so I'm shopping around. Since this is a pretty big community I figured a few of you guys got that done, so I wanted to check in.. If you answer my questions, I'd really appreciate it, since I wanna get this outta the way quickly..

1) Where did you get it done?
2) How many did you pull?
3) How much did it cost and were you insured or uninsured?
4) What kinda anesthetic did they run on you?
5) Any comments about the service?

Thanks in advance guys.

1. White Cedar Dental (Barrie)
2. Three
3. Full Covered
4. Gas fully out (wife had to drive me home)
5. I lived off Carnation instant breakfast for 3 days then it was soft food semi chewed. Took about 2 full weeks until I dared tor try anything of serious substance and occasionally it would hit the socket and hurt like hell. The Oxy they gave me was fantastic to numb the pain...lol
got all 4 done in guelph

mine weren't impacted or anything, just cracked and risk of being infected

Took about 45mins, and i was put out with local, a slight memory of what was going on, but didn't feel a damn thing.

cost under $1000, since they pulled out in one shot.

insurance covered it, and I needed one day off work (day of procedure)

worth every penny as i can eat without pain.

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I got mine done at credit valley oral surgery in Oakville about 2 years ago... Dr.Barakat.... Oral surgeon....great doctor and amazing staff.... Since my regular dentist couldn't do it.... They had to take extra xrays....around $300..... They gave me an estimate of $1800.... Four impacted wisdom teeth..... Ended up costing $2000... Insurance covered 80%.....but there was a yearly cap of $1500....i actually woke up midway through surgery... No pain... They put me back to sleep.... Had to cut a lot of the bone (gums) to extract the teeth...Surgery was painless... recovery was another story..... I got mine done on Thursday hoping to have 3 days to recover...took more than a week..... Sutures came out on one side.... Very messy business...... Hallucinated twice because of the opiates they prescribe as painkillers... Being on a liquid diet is a tough transition too

Having been through the experience, im glad i got it done soon.... The wisdom teeth were leading to over crowding in my mouth resulting in the other teeth becoming very sensitive (painful if too hot/cold)

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