Just did my under tail today and put these on, wired them up nice and easy and it has a very nice light effect. I got a set from Kapsco, good price but my only issue was the guage of wire used is too thin, I'd of preferred a heaver guage wire to make the soldering and stripping of the wire easier.
where can i buy these lights in the GTA? i need to make my own fender eliminator kit, since there is no way im spending 200 bucks on a thin piece of metal and a light.
I've had those on my bike for the last 3 years. One of my bolts just blew so I have to replace them now.
I'm not using mine. I bought it and never installed it.
Anyone want it? $10 and its yours. PM ME
Also, when tied in, does that mean just take off the housing and wrap it around that wire and heat shrink it back?